Note to self: don't accidentally click lock topic.
Anyway, this is an AAR, so:
===Operation Excess Spending====
The rebels come with a third artillery golem, and another in the branch has a second regen (still my least favorite of the golems, but not nearly as bad as it was). I now have all the golems, and unlock riots III, zenith II, and flagships III.
Then I hack a couple more systems. Still going with two hackers.
Then I clean up another CPA (14,000 ships), leaving about 2000 around.
Raiding for the only titanite and then the four adamantite (penetrators IV/V, implosion V, attritioners IV) take the gametime to 11 hours. Mercenary fleet at full fighter, beam frigate, and enclave caps, with 73 bombers as well. I like having incomes of ~5,000 each per second.
Exo at 58%.
Now, about those hacking changes...
===Operation ICE Breaker====
The fifth hack gets interesting. Those implosion guardians really do a number on the golems.
Exo-galactic strikeforce responding to hacking
What the?! Ok that got my attention; pausing the hack (1044 k extracted).
Well, that was unexpected. A few groups come at Midnight and evaporate, but one went for High Lab, and the mercenary fleet took some casualties.
Repaired, econ back at ~500,000 each, and I redeploy, with more of the fleet available for response, and less on site.
Wow, this hurts. Subhacked until I got to 3000 k. Unlocked Assault Transport.
Gate raided my local cluster, so the AI will have to break through Midnight to kill me.
Negotiated a cloak path to the blind homeworld. This does trigger a CPA post.
Same to the one with the eye.
Gametime is now 11:40
===Operation Five Minutes to Midnight====
I take the (whole) fleet and smash my way up to the first HW. Warheads under cloak kill the SR, and then I slaughter the guardposts, while the artillery golems knock out the core forcefields. I pop the command station, and go back to Midnight (which had no problems with the mini-exos).
Gametime 11:50.
Pop a few D nodes to refleet essentially instantly, and then send the entire fleet to the other homeworld. Eye killed instantly with penetrators, strategic reserve warheaded, forcefields artilleried, and victory achieved.
CPA posts need to activate immediately to have much impact.
The HWs should have planetary tachyons (I could have won simply with cloaked rams and penetrators).
Special forces should base themselves at the HWs, to prevent situations like me cutting them off.
If they are cut off, then they should redeploy via carriers.
SC shieldbearers are awesome come HW attack time.
Hacking responses are about right (at hack 5, it is usually easier to just conquer a planet).
SCLs might not be that bad. Possibly.