I ordered my starship fleet to attack the Avenger, but they could only get its shields to 50% before expiring.
The Advanced Starship Constructor's defense fleet fell after a valiant fight. Too many enemies.
The Advanced Factory fell. Too many enemies.
All but one Fab fell. Too many enemies.
All my satellite colonies in other clusters fell. Too many enemies.
The enemy crashed against my main defenses. My homeworld-neighbor defenses went down. The homeworld held.
But precariously.
300+ mkIV/mkV AI ships parked on the ruins of my homeworld-neighbor command station, waiting for sufficient force to attack.
I gathered the tattered remnants of my fleet on the homeworld, with my space docks cranking for all they were worth with a totally floored economy.
I needed to attack the Avenger before it reached my homeworld, but I had to deal with that threatball first.
I remembered a lesson well-learned in recent times, and constructed a mkIII lightning warhead to clear the threatball.
As the warhead was headed to the wormhole, however, the threatball came through. It began to scatter to my great alarm, and the bulk that was still together began to fire on the warhead before it entered standoff attack range, but in the end it closed far enough to kill 2/3rds of the enemy force when they blew it up.
The remaining AI ships were killed with some difficulty, but they were in fact killed.
Alas, the Avenger was already nearly to the last wormhole leading to my homeworld. Not that I really had the fleet to kill it after that fight.
(to be continued)