Round four. Five? Six? Meh.
For reference:
Round N + 1.
2:16:28 Fleet consists of 4 Corvettes, near cap of triangles, 2 Flagships. 3 Raids also available for work. Econ needs to rebuild Matrix. 6,000 K available.
The fleet heads for Arrakkis again to do cleanup. Raids are going to hang out and wait for a transport this time. 3x Transports start building on Strana.
2:18:45 Transports with raids head out to Argyle for first Data Center. They're gonig to swing past the MK IV just to piss it off. Fleet continues to annoy a pair of FF posts on Arrakkis. The Transports die horribly on Argyle, but do make for nice bait to let the Raids live. They head for HotStar.
AIP: 752:20:42 The random assaults of transports and Raids pissed off some MK III stuff that went for Poker. The fleet redirects to help out, having just finished off the last guardpost in Arrakkis... There's a conga line coming through Nero's Fiddle to Poker... good plan I guess.
2:23:00 The main fleet has returned to Strana for R&R, having defended Poker after it lost both Mini-forts and most of its turretry. Main Fleet now has full triangle and 4 Flagships. Econ's a bit toasted though.
The fleet returned to Poker to clean up remaining threat, and a bunch of MK IV invaded Strana. Oh CRAP!
-- Defense of Strana --2:24:05 The fleet is making best time to run for Strana to protect the homeworld. 4 MK IV guardians, two MK IV Reprocessors, 2 Zombards, and a handful of MK IV fleet have invaded.
2:24:28 That was quick. Strana is safe.
It's time to implement the new plan:
-- The Beach-heading of Nero's Fiddle --2:25:25 Spider Turret Unlocked.
Research available: 3,000 K.2:27:38 Nero's Fiddle is cleared of problematic MK III leftovers and reinforcements. One of the two mini-forts is built, but we lost the Mobile Constructor and Engi Is I had for support. A new mobile constructor is coming shortly from Poker.
The cheese must stink.
2:28:06 Miniforts prepared in mid-system, able to cover the Solaris VII and Earth WHs as well as reinforcements on the CC. A smattering of gravs are being built near them, and a bank of 60 Spiders are being built at the edge of the system. The fleet begins work on a full neutering, removing the Poker WHGP.
2:29:32 The Spider bank is complete. With everything in-system now firing on the WHGP at 72%.
I start a rebuild on the Corvettes to swap them to HBCs + Max Railguns for Mark with the snipers now up.
2:30:33 50% on WHGP. Twiddle. Econ needed a break anyway. I bring Neinzul Enclaves I production online for Fleet support.
2:31:00 AIP: 76 due to Auto-progress.
2:31:34 WHGP 23%. 1,114 + 3 Wave to Matrix in 1:40.
2:32:25 WHGP destroyed. Fleet heads back for R&R at Strana and to wait for the Neinzul Fighter replacers. Tempted to pickup Basic IIs for Needlers as well.
With reasonable econ room I bring Siege SS I production online on Matrix to assist the leeches and general defenses.
-- The defense of Matrix --2:33:18 The Wave lands on Matrix. Reasonably split fleet between bomber/cutlass/fighter/vulture/Firgate. 114 ship carrier as well.
During this fight, I realize that a huge mob of ships tends to break out of the 'runway' to the north of the line towards a pair of harvesters, ignoring the mass of gravs I've been using. I'll have to park a few new ones along that flight path.
2:34:12 A massive Human Rebel fleet of 104 ships comes to the aid of Matrix. I'm no longer worried but I do want to watch the combat pattern.
At the end of the fight, all SSs were lost. Reclaimed about 8 ships, but that was because I forgot to put the rally marker up near the CC. That'll be fixed shortly. Econ will go to rebuild of Matrix.
-- Dealing with the beachhead --One thing I probably should have mentioned was that beach-head is alerting a pair of MK III worlds, Earth and Solaris VII. This can't last for long without me getting involved. Since I want to piss off the SF anyway and try to bait them into Nero's Fiddle for this experiment, the fleet heads for Nero's Fiddle.
I also save the blinkin' game here at 2:34.
We start with Earth. Also, another 20 spiders go up on Nero's Fiddle.
2:36:52 The SF arrive on Earth via the Argyle gate. Needless to say it's a horde. I'm already retreating back through to Nero's Fiddle and will pull the fleet back behind the Mini-Forts towards the spiders to get them some repairs from the local Engis as well as try to dwindle this mess down.
Unfortunately, the SF heads for Sox instead of following me back to Nero's. Dammit. At least I get to deal with the backwash in the beachhead.
2:38:20 Backwash is cleared, and the fleet took a pounding, losing over half the bombers and frigates. They head back to Strana for R&R.
Econ's on the floor though. Time to make it worse.
The fleet, nearly fully rebuilt but missing a pair of flagships, heads for Nero's. The Raids head for Earth again. They've got Barracks duty.
2:40:00 The Raids pop the Barracks and free 100+ MK III ships from Earth, and then they run like hell for home. They actually escape. The fleet hangs out in Nero's, helping out the defenses.
2:42:00 Threat is down to 9 again, and the fleet is... well, relatively intact. Only one problem... Medics are sniper immune. Looks like I'll have to put a few short-range turrets in near the spider bank, but the fleet heads up to deal with that for now before heading home for R&R. To add to my new financial woes, however, a 1k+ wave hits Matrix in 1:32.
-- Recovery --2:43:37 The wave that hits Matrix is a homogeneous wave... of Mirrors. Neutrons in the lightning field, this should be interesting.
... ooookay, Lightning Is suck against Mirror IIs.
Reclaimed 70 Mirrors, not bad at all. 52 threat got free though.
2:45:52 Unlock Basic Turret II, Scout II,
1,750 K available.
30 BIIs go near the spider bank on Nero, another 10 to Macross since it had no turrets and a few miniforts, another 20 to Poker since we know it's going to take the brunt, and the rest to support the Matrix wall. Also, the Neinzul Enclaves are prepped to build Needlers as well as Fighters to support the fleet.
Econ's on the floor. We twiddle.
Power's on the ground. Hm. I start a Matter Converter on Strana.
We level off at 42,500 power. Alright, that needs a planet.
2:49:45 Econ's still in Famine. Twiddle... try and figure out where my handful of lost bombers/frigates are and realize AGAIN that the new cap is 96, NOT 98... mumble. The fleet heads out to Nero's Fiddle again to prepare to antagonize Solaris VII. They can kill a WHGP while they're there.
2:50:30 Scout IIs start working west.
2:52:35 Econ is wholesome again. Save. I'm going to allow it to bank a bit while I take out this WHGP before annoying Solaris VII.
2:55:30 WHGP on Nero to Earth is removed. Time to antagonize Solaris VII. The fleet heads for the wormhole. I'm simply going to 'buzz' the planet. I'm hoping to pull the SF up through Nero's Fiddle here.
Then I realize I have a better way. I send the Raids out to pop the Ion Cannon on Solaris VII.
-- Baiting the SF --It works like a charm. The fleet's in position to protect the mini-forts and harass the SF.
Notice the layout. There's a small bank of gravs near the minis to give the fleet time to withdraw back twards the Poker WH, while most of the firepower will be in range of any 'breakaways' from the SF fleet.
2:56:51 The main SF fleet heads into Earth and starts traveling for Nero's. Here we go.
2:57:30 The majority of the SF fleet besides the slowpokes (Frigate (80)/Zombard (56)) have entered Nero's Fiddle. The Mini-forts are getting overwhelmed QUICKLY. I'd hoped SF would simply 'float' past the assault but the majority of them are turning to engage the locals.
The fleet has turned to intercept the mass of Medical Frigates trying to bypass the gravwell and head after the spiders. They'll chase them up to that region and let the spiders work.
2:58:02 The Med Frigates have been thoroughly abused, and the zombards have entered the fray. Fleets at about 2/3s strength and turn around to engage a mass of Virus heading for the spiders before heading back south for Zombard hunting.
2:59:12 FRD vs. Zombard complete. Fleet at 1/2 strength now. 3 of 4 flagships lost. Fleet retreats to the mini-forts to see if it can sneak in some repairs.
3:00:00 Death of the SF.
The Special Forces are now cold-clocked, at least for a little bit. I can finally get some damned work done. Cost: 1/2 Bomber, 1/2 Frigate, 1 Neinzul, 4 Flagships, and a crapton of replaced fighters. Luckily I've got some econ banked up.
3:00:40 Wave: 973 to Matrix in 1:40.
The fleet is heading to Strana for R&R. Apparently too early. 15 Reprocessors, those DAMNED TANKS of the SF, have reached the spider-bank and are causing havoc. I'll have to remember to drop a few Tach's in Nero's Fiddle.
3:01:00 AIP: 77 from Autoprogress.
3:01:06 Now there's 38 of them. Fleet turns around. Gyeah.
Reinforcements from Strana have rejoined the main fleet, but I need to rebuild the spider bank. The fleet starts working on Solaris' WHGP.
3:04:40 WHGP at 59%, but the spiders are up. Time to take it to the man.
-- Assaulting Solaris VII --The assault on Solaris VII goes relatively well at the beginning, not having enough FP to actually wake the planet. Meanwhile, the SF tries to get at us through Nero's Fiddle, and being weak still pay for their mistake.
3:06:09 Solaris WAKES. The fleet runs for Nero's Fiddle to take 'em on in the beachhead.
3:07:32 1,600 CPA announced for 10:22 from now. It's going to happen. Ho boy.
Grab a save so I can try to react down the line.
3:09:42 With Nero's Fiddle protected again, and the fleet getting reinforcements shipped out from Strana, they re-engage the now nearly empty Solaris VII. Hopefully we can break this (everything EXCEPT the Barracks) without significant losses and then return later.
A good chunk of SF comes in from the NE during the Nero's assault. It's picked off by Fighters on FRD who were sent out hunting the Zombards.
3:13:39 4:15 till CPA. Wave has hit and is dying on Matrix. The fleet has cleared all but the Counterstrike, 2 SFs, CC/Wave, and WHGPs off of Solaris VII. That's enough for now. Barracks with 520 ships still stands. The fleet retreats to Nero's Fiddle.
3:16:07 The fleet cleans off the final WHGP while waiting for the CPA... which lands in 1:47.
Econ: 650k/999k. We've got enough to rebuild the clowns if we have to. I turn off the docks back at Strana and let the local Neinzuls Rebuild any MK I Bomber/Frigates as well. This will get ugly, I'm sure.
There's 339 threat just 'hanging around' out there, too. I can't see it, wherever it is.
-- Defending the CPA --3:17:55 CPA released.
225 MK I
531 MK II
800 MK I strategic Reserve.
Wait, MK I? Oh god, I might live!
Most of the threat is invisible to me at the moment.
3:18:54 Earth has 304 threat and growing. Wonder Woman (whipping boy feeder) has 200 or so. Looks like they're trying the back door again.
The first thing the Siege engines hit are the neinzuls. No rebuilds of forces on Nero's Fiddle... or wait.
I build a space dock up by the spiders.
3:19:43 A massive wave of zombard (50+), Z-Elecs(150), and Siege (115) has landed on Nero's and is growing. Time to see how well the beach-head can blunt the force of this assault. I pull the corvettes back near the mini-forts. I don't want to lose their heavy handed attacks yet.
3:20:23 There are NO other incursions into my space. This entire CPA is trying to come in the back door.
3:21:30 The Space dock at the spiders is saving my arse. Lost all the engis though and they just popped the Mobile Builder hiding in the back. A new one is being prepped on Poker to take over, but it's unlikely it'll live long, so streaming reinforcements are begun on Strana as well to head to support Nero's Fiddle.
Also, Wonder Woman finally decided to assault the whipping boy. Reinforcements from Skye are making a mess coming in from a side angle.
3:22:09 Corvette lost to massive concentrated ZElec and siege fire.
3:22:45 All Corvettes lost. Reinforcements from Strana arriving. Friendly Human Resistance (37 ships) spawns on Nero's Fiddle to help out.
3:24:29 The War for Nero's Fiddle's Beachhead completes. 304 threat remaining in the galaxy. 90 on Neverending story (Borderworld to Strana), 130 on Wonder Woman, and 60 on Arrakkis. I'll take the fleet out on cleanup shortly.
-- Recovery from the CPA --Space Dock on Nero dropped. Space dock on Strana building local again. Fleet being re-issued to Strana.
3:26:30 Triangle mostly rebuilt and 2 Corvettes back in operation. Waiting on the MK IIs. Nero's Fiddle continues to smack around drifter traffic.
3:28:00 Bored, I take the Raids out to go lay waste to the Ions in Wonder Woman so I can eventually punch a tachyon drill through the middle north cluster... but I'm going to need transports to get off the gate, so I build off 3.
3:29:15 Wave: 1,142 + 3 to Matrix in 1:20
3:32:00 Save Game. A chunk of that wave escaped and is currently trying to make its way around the southern entry via Sox. The fleet's rebuilt and is ready to rumble, and we'll start with a local cleanup of the mess. The Raids were successful in removing the dual Ion Is from Wonder Woman so we'll pick off the two borderworlds (Arrakkis and Neverending Story) then go clock that. From there, I'll look at pushing a tach-drill into the next cluster west so I can hopefully finally get my hands on an ARS. There's none in the home cluster.