The ARS unlock turned out to be raiders.
This could pose a problem because my other unlocks are laser gattlings and teleporting leaches and I currently lack a hard hitting high hp ship for assault purposes.
The raiders appair to be an excellent counter against the armor ships the AI is using, so I'm happy with that.
I suppose I have to invest in starships if I want some offensive firepower.
I didn't feel confident my fleet could handle the Mk IV worlds since it consists mostly of laser gattlings, raiders and a few leeches so I split my fleet in two: one half would protect the Hive golem under construction and the other half would lay waste to the neigbouring lower mark AI worlds, dispatching any buildup and clearing the guardposts and warp gates.
Once the golem was ready, well...
A Hive Golem, properly used, can really rip stuff to shreds.
Exactly that: even the AI eye on the planet couldn't produce zombies fast enough to counter the +- 400 wasps the hive golem released.
My fleet came in to mop up the survivors (all zombies, which are apparently ignored by the wasps).
One important caveat I have to remember: the released thread didn't waste time trying to kill off the wasps but came straight through the wormhole to start pounding my fleet (which was out of position and split into several groups at the time).
Seems like a rather smart move on the part of the AI: if it had a little more ships it would have destroyed half my raider fleet before the others could react.
The teleporting leeches still confound me: I'm using them mainly on defense but they need a large amount of micromanagement to actually reclaim anything.
I've now captured an Advanced factory (currently building bomber IV's) and partially neutred all neighbouring Mk IV planets.
At this point I probably should consolidate my position and start destroying guard posts, warp gates and thread.
A bit more focus on scouting woudn't hurt either.
Also I just noticed there is another ARS at Tinleaban two hops away.
And a Blade Spawner factory (it's christmas!
One AI type identified by searching the wiki: the Retaliatory AI gets counterattack guardposts on almost all planets.
It doesn't pose much of a thread now but I imagine it could be nasty when AIP goes up or when I attack the core- or homeworlds.
Good luck in your game. I'm on my first 7/7 myself (played one at 6/6), which I'll update after I get a chance to play it some more. If you go into a mark IV world prepared, its not as bad as you might expect, just have a plan and don't dither around.
Thanks, good luck as well.
The situation so far (I didn't have much time to play this week, so not much difference here):