Also, you did a terrific job implementing scouting. It matters, which is great.
Thanks for that, I'm glad it is proving fun and useful. The upcoming expansion emphasizes scouting an even greater degree, since there are then some AI structures that affect adjacent planets, and that's then important to know before you attack a planet. I've definitely been trying to continually think of ways to make scouting fun and relevant.
Incidentally, I took a look at the wiki topic on
scouting and saw that there were a few new tactics that I needed to update there. I've put those in now, and they might be of some interest.
One thing I'm wondering: will I ever learn the actual identities of my randomly-chosen AIs? Or do I just have to figure it out on my own?
Yes, if you win or lose the identities are revealed -- but, before that point, you have to figure it out from contextual clues. With those that don't use special types of ships, that can be pretty difficult to do. If you want to always see the identities of randomly-selected AIs from the start, there is an AI Modifier in the lobby for that (although, that may not be available except in 2.001 beta versions, I can't remember, and it's certainly something you have to select before starting the map new).
Even with a given AI type, the difficulty can vary based on the scenario, though -- some maps are inherently easier than others, based on the fact that they are procedurally seeded with a fairly high degree of variance.