Taking AIP off them would make sense, yes, but where else is the AI going to get that 50 AIP?
Sideways thinking, but it's just an idea germ but it's one I've been chewing on for a bit.
I'll post this elsewhere if it takes flight so we don't leave the conversation hiding in an AAR, but here's, basically, Spec Forces to me in a nutshell:
1) Spec Forces are wandering drifters that can chew on lightly defended planets traveling between their systems. They're similar to trains that way. And that's all they do.
2) To remove this traffic, you have to hunt down Spec Force outposts. Because you're getting a minor benefit from this (little to no drifter traffic), you pay a minor price in AIP.
3) During any reinforcement, they are considered a reinforcement gate so they can continue to get ships when a planet is reinforced to add to the Special Forces troops in existance.
This is the core of the Special Forces as they currently operate, and the reasons they exist as they are. However, I see an alternative way of approaching special forces.
Firstly, to raid out Spec Forces posts, particularly deep ones, you pay in time to be able to even get your raiding force near one. SF drifters themselves are basically ignorable, too, once you've cleared out the original heavy spawn of them in the galaxy, which usually occurs shortly after you've setup your whipping boy and started your initial entrenchment. If you haven't, then they're so spread out they're meaningless anyway.
Secondly, there's no reason they need to be a reinforcement gate, except to annoy players who don't want +1 AIP when they neuter a world, and that can be nearly unavoidable if you run anything with long range (snipers, Zenith Bombards, Zenith Sentinels, Blade Spawners, you name it...) even though they spawn at system edges. Remove that and you remove the reinforcement eating cheese.
Lastly, SF aren't special, unless we're counting them as special ed. They're just reinforcements actually taking AWAY from the defensive reinforcements because they spawn up and run off towards another SF post somewhere 'out there', because anything that's behind me is either turreted and they'll die or they don't have an SF post to go towards anymore. They're morons.
I think SF needs to be re-evaluated.
- Make SF a separate reinforcement that is spawned by the AI from the exo gate that is based on AIP, difficulty, and number of reinforcements in the current map.
- Make SF 'group up' and travel as a pack, so little 4-5 ship drifters stop suiciding on a single HBC.
- Make SF stop being morons. Allow packs to respond to neighboring planet alerts and to be 'aware' of waves, altering courses even towards non SF-Post paths to support (or perhaps soften the way) for announced waves.
I believe you'll get your 50 AIP equivalent from a bit of redesign instead of having them affect things that aren't involved in them. Heck, de-autotarget them and remove reinforcement gates from them and I'll stop bemoaning the +1 AIP if you simply make them nastier in response to the modification. Let's make them special like the SEALs, instead of Special like Little Bobby in those olympics.