Author Topic: first time with Fallen Spire...  (Read 2011 times)

Offline zoutzakje

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first time with Fallen Spire...
« on: March 07, 2012, 07:09:51 am »
and I won :D
played against 7/7 attritioner and Raid Engine. Good god, that was tough. Attritioner was no big deal really. The way that AI type is now, it should be a moderate one, instead of hard. The attrition emitters don't deal much damage and they die way to fast. I suggest to either boost their damage output or put a small AIP increase on destroying it.
But the Raid engine AI type... it's defenitely worth being a red type. Raid engines EVERYWHERE, sometimes triggering 3 or 4 at a time, not to mention the +5 AIP for each one you destroy. I will someday try a 7/7 game on a crosshatch map, 2 raid engine AI types... just to see how long I'll last :D
I hated collecting shards in my game. It simply took forever and the exo's weren't too threatening so it was just waiting for the shard to get home really. But I loved the spire ships. Beam weapons that eat through fleets and then the big and massive dreadnought. Mk I H/K's didn't have much chance to accomplish anything.
The Super terminal was more dangerous in fact. Managed to get AIP down a good 162 points. Not that 971 or 809 AIP made much difference for me in my endgame, but I wanted to see how far I could get with a good fleet and a few turrets. When the ST decided to spawn a lot of mk V ships every second, it almost got to much for me to handle, so I destroyed it fast and then dealt with the 900 remaining mk V ships on my planet (low caps). They actually managed to destroy 1/3 of my spire fleet and they almost killed a golem. Super Terminal feels right now. It can no longer easily be used to ride it to the AIP floor, but can still give a decent decrease.
After that it was time to build the exogalactic transceiver. I could have easily destroyed the homeworlds myself, but I figured I'd see the Fallen Spire campaign through to the end. Not much nasty stuff spawned during the build time and the 30 minute wait, but it was just dif 7 after all. Lost a few undefended planets but I had my entire fleet on my homeworld. I also build about a hundred of mk III energy reactors to make up for the losses on other planets. Inefficient maybe, but mk III reactors won't give less than 8k energy anyways so it was just a matter of building a lot of them to keep my golems operating.
And then the endgame... I was surprised by how quick it was over. Even the avenger died in 2 seconds.
And I really wanted to share a pretty screenshot I've made. See if you guys can figure out what happened in my screenshot, shouldn't be too hard ^^

long story short, fallen spire was entertaining but I wont play with it very often. It takes away the homeworld battles which is often a very exciting part for me. Plus the shards... but from what I've been reading that's something more people find to be time consuming.
Allright, time to fire up a new game "Keith's challenge", as I will call it :P

« Last Edit: March 07, 2012, 07:20:46 am by zoutzakje »

Offline keith.lamothe

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Re: first time with Fallen Spire...
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2012, 07:37:14 am »
Congratulations on the win :)

And yea, shard-recovery (the sheer time involved) does seem to be a weak link in the fun, for a number of folks.  And the DN a strong one ;)  Nothing quite like a ship before which the AI trembles...

Great to hear that the Superterminal felt right :)

I'm not sure I understand what happened in the screenshot; it looks like a Neinzul Cockroach post spawned a big pile, and you killed the post, but it also looks like you killed nearly all the spawns before they could even move.  I didn't think the plasma siege cannon's aoe had that kind of range :)
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Offline zoutzakje

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Re: first time with Fallen Spire...
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2012, 11:40:57 am »
correct, it was a neinzul cockroach post, but I didn't do anything to destroy it. The spire fleet did :P All those massive ships destroyed it in a single volley. I liked the looks of the explosion so I figured I'd make a screenshot of it :P
A way to fix the shard issue in my opinion, would be to make the shards a lot faster and of course make the exo waves that spawn equally harder. I rather have a few tough battles and retrieve the shards quickly, then a lot of easy battles and retrieve the shards extremely slowly. I would be satisfied with the speed from that spire refugee ship that spawns as the so-called second shard.

Offline Catma

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Re: first time with Fallen Spire...
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2012, 12:23:29 pm »
Nice! I did my first not too long ago against a backdoor hacker and something in the moderates. Exos coming in almost in firing range to my home command station was baaaad until I upgraded some turrets and filled out the caps. LOTS of force fields too.

Raid engine... I can't imagine playing against one of those. Some day I'll have to. And for shard retrieval you'd have to clear them all out along the path...

Offline zoutzakje

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Re: first time with Fallen Spire...
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2012, 12:38:40 pm »
yes clearing out raid engines for shard collection or gate raiding was a true hell sometimes. Everywhere you go, you trigger one or multiple raid engines. And I'm not done with Raid engine for good... I have yet to beat him on a dif 9 game for an achievement lol. the randomizer in a new game actually gave me a raid engine (and it was dif 9), but I'm not ready for that yet. Need a break from them lol.
How did you manage to win a backdoor hacker game with exo's enabled? Was it low difficulty? Or did you build massive defenses there? Me and a friend tried a dif 8/8 game and he got brutally annihalated by the very first exo which contained an artillery golem lol. Our fleet and defenses weren't strong enough yet to kill it fast enough.

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Re: first time with Fallen Spire...
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2012, 07:48:50 pm »
It was a 7/7, I don't recall ever seeing any golems come through. I think the 8/8 probably makes all the difference. I DEFINITELY built massive defenses. Lemme dig out a save... Here, the selected turrets are the ones in range of the exo wormhole. There are more turrets near another wormhole, lines of gravity turrets and EMP mines, since this planet used to be a whipping boy before I had to clear room for spire cities. (Yeah my home planet was a whipping boy, it has an exo wormhole on it anyway!  :D ) I used that lone force field to push the ships just a liiiiiitle bit further away from the command station / spire settlement.

Offline zoutzakje

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Re: first time with Fallen Spire...
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2012, 08:33:10 pm »
ah I see, lucky you didn''t have any golems coming from that wormhole. Otherwise we would have survived as well most likely lol. dif 7 should be doable, but getting the dif 9 achiev for backdoor hacker with exo''s enabled seems... troublesome lol.