8.3 Grav Driller
7.7 Support Corp
Seed: 503692878
Ships: Normal (swallowers included)
Extras: Colony Rebellions, Resistance fighters, golems (hard), spireships, dyson sphere, miners, fallen spire, Civilian Spires, spire ships (hard)
Starter ship: Parasite
AI timer: 1 every 30 minutes
Speed, ship caps: normal
Take point A for resources/defense (mostly done)
Assassinate Raid engine on point B with a bomber carried by transport blitz (full cap of mk 1 and 2) (in progress)
Take planet 1 (or is it the planet under it?) for factory IV
Take planet B for civ spire
Take planet 3 for civ spire
Take point 4 for civ spire
Use frequent border raids with parasites to weaken AI while boosting own forces
Take all planets within dashed lines as my "core" planets to form economy with MK IV forces
Keep momentium on my side; do not get bogged down until at least core planets are taken
Avoid using MK III research stations within dashed lines due to they being captured anyway
Lessons from previous games:
Use fighters as damage absorbers (they are cheap yet tough)
Time is money: If something cannot be taken, find another target
Fortresses causes unbearable border aggression; use them for wave defense only (should be helped from last update, but have not tested this)