Author Topic: Advanced Paranoia  (Read 2560 times)

Offline 7cardcha

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Advanced Paranoia
« on: May 22, 2013, 02:05:57 pm »
Hey guys! Here is my ongoing after action report. I found a member of the steam group named Aceblade/Luna, added him and jumped into a game.

All expansions are on(though I don't think we are going to be doing fallen spire)

We've got a 7.6 Entrenched homeworlder and a 7 starfleet commander(we did random moderate). I kinda wish we had bumped the starfleet guy to 7.6, because we are wrecking this map but oh well easy games are fun too.

I didn't take screenshots until this point, but oh well. Here is where we currently are.

Allow me to explain. I started in the Banrin system and he started in the Kacaupira system. We completely took both(except for Udondor as it had a SuperTerm), then neutered mapu(sometime before that he had freed the dyson sphere which resides on Ifidem). Then we did both the nearby fallen spire(<- 7cardcha is an idiot ANCIENT SHADOWS MISSIONS) missions, giving us some sweet rewards.

Next we tackled the system upwards of mapu, as it had an advanced factory, human settlement and a hive golem. This was fairly easy and allowed me to build 2 mk IV ships(I had capped everything else including a ton of trader stuff and had full res).

Next we hit Bangmic system, nothing too special, zenith power generator which I capped(bringing my total to 3 =D) and an advanced starship constructor which he capped. We then took Jersamu.

Now, at this point our aip is slightly worrying to me(I'm paranoid, we only had 1 bottleneck and we had a fantastic fleet and economy)at about 420(blaze it) so we decided to use the super term.

Here is an after action image. As you can see the entire time we had 2 zenith modular forts, 2 normal human forts, 8(between us) mini fortresses, a ton of force fields(and although not evident in this photo) about 250 turrets. This photo doesn't showcase the fleet but I had over 2000 in there, he had a decent number too but I can't remember how many. That neinzul minor faction came and helped out too. Extreme hacking response but only 153 aip(although I hit one data center while we were hacking so we used the SuperTerm for about 230 aip).

I've got a ton of trader stuff. Here are 2 of my zenith power gens, both purchased, my third was capped somewhere else.

On one of my homeworlds.

Planetary armor inhibitor, Planet armor booster, Counter spy, Orbital mass driver, Mark 2 radar jammer, don't mess with this, AI!

You can also see my sub II and III logisticals.

As you can see in that photo, I've got every mark III unlocked that I possibly can. We found an ARS and hacked it but it only gave it to the hacker(luna). I swear that used to be different. Keith you owe me a Zenith Mirror unlock(yeah that's right I randomly singled out you).

My ships are always capped(being followed with me complaining the trader isn't here and my resources are being wasted), it's just this photo was taking right after hacking the SuperTerm.

Our advanced factory(this is also the planet we capped the hive golem on), again I usually have everything capped.

More to come =D

EDIT: We also found the location of a homeworld and 4 more golems, the botnet golem is really close, will soon have that.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2013, 05:27:30 pm by 7cardcha »

Offline keith.lamothe

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Re: Advanced Paranoia
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2013, 02:23:37 pm »
Looks like you've got this well in hand ;)

On the hacking thing only giving a choice to the hacker, that's odd, I don't know why it would have stopped giving the other players a choice.
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Offline keith.lamothe

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Re: Advanced Paranoia
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2013, 02:24:11 pm »
If you have a save from before capturing the ARS that should give you both a choice (but only gives one of you a choice) I could look into it :)
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Offline 7cardcha

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Re: Advanced Paranoia
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2013, 02:55:47 pm »
That would be awesome! Arcen is really good with community stuff =D

I've got 5 minute autosaves and a ton of paranoia savescums.

Okay here it is. The command station is being built. The planet is Neicha, on the bottom left sub cluster.

We very well could could have done something wrong, sorry if this wastes your time.

Offline 7cardcha

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Re: Advanced Paranoia
« Reply #4 on: May 22, 2013, 03:08:32 pm »
Also cutlasses are freaking destructive. When you unlock them all and find an Advanced Factory you have 1568 of them. Even though they can't attack too hard, they pound and they are so perfect for ultra far data center raids. Also even the Mark IV's are so cheap it is pathetic. I needed to clear out guardposts and didn't have very much m/c at the time, sent 1000 cutlasses and bam it's gone. Don't nerf them =D.

Offline TechSY730

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Re: Advanced Paranoia
« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2013, 04:20:47 pm »
Yes, I don't think cutlasses are OP because the aren't all that terribly durable nor are they fast (especially by melee unit standards). But yes, if you can actually get them to their destination, they can inflict massive pain.

Offline 7cardcha

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Re: Advanced Paranoia
« Reply #6 on: May 22, 2013, 04:47:44 pm »
Yeah I think they are pretty well balanced, perhaps op in certain situations but that's the nature of the beast. Good ship though, I was just asking him not to nerf my favorite ship :D

Offline keith.lamothe

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Re: Advanced Paranoia
« Reply #7 on: May 22, 2013, 04:53:59 pm »
Okay here it is. The command station is being built. The planet is Neicha, on the bottom left sub cluster.
When I run that, the green player can pick their ARS ship from the ARS tab of the science window on that planet.

The blue player cannot do this initially, but as soon as you build a science ship there (or move one there) you can use the ARS tab of the science window on that planet to pick your own type :)

Is that not working?
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Offline 7cardcha

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Re: Advanced Paranoia
« Reply #8 on: May 22, 2013, 05:15:51 pm »
Oh! It does work. I thought it was us being retarded after that first reply of yours :D. Sorry for wasting your time(no really, that was stupid of us), I found a inconsequential but maybe annoying/confusing/disorienting to new players, GUI error. On the ARS tab it says something along the lines of "Unlock Zenith Mirror Mark II" where it should say "Unlock Zenith Mirror Mark I". I think I would find that confusing as a new player. Cheers! and thanks a lot for something I can dump my economy into :P