I am fighting two lvl 7 AI, I am in a well defendable spot, as you can see in the picture Starting Planets, at the cost of low resources.
In the picture Home Planet Layout, you can see that it is easy for me to move my forces to any wormhole very quickly, and I also have a favorable amount of crystal deposits.
So far I have eliminated all Special Gaurd Posts adjacent to my planets, so the reinforcements of nearby enemy planets is pleasingly low. I have also taken out all nearby Warp Gates to prevent any direct attacks on my home planet, this allows me to intercept the giant warp raids that were originaly meant for my planet with missiles or starships.
Starting Planets - This is what me and the AI started with.
Home Planet Layout - This is a picture of the my planet in far zoom.
Base - This is a current picture of my base.
Current Positions - This is an up to date picture of the struggle between me and the clever AI
Current Standing Fleet
Standard Fighter MK I - 170
Raptor MK I - 20
Light Starship - 1
Raid Starship MK I - 1