Operation "Setting The Stage" In Progress.
Phase One: Threat Cleanup
The Hunter experiences a "Too many heaps" crash, according to him. Like in his AAR.
5:01 CPA declared, 928 ships.
5:05 571 missile frigates incoming, 1:30 after the CPA.
Phase Two: Capture Leporis.
Leporis is the final stepping stone to the AI homeworld Diamond Star. It has a spire archive and a Black Widow golem on it, which I'll probaby activate.
The Hunter is sent in.
Phase Three: Swat the CPA
Carriers arrive on Fenhome, Auderghoo, and All Or Nothing.
The Hunter catches up with one on Lagrand.
Another carrier goes to hang out outside the Posy wormhole.
The last one waits outside B612.
Leporis is taken out. AIP 76.
Data Center eliminated. AIP 66. All that's left is the coprocessors.
While the Spire Archive is working, the Hunter and I discover signals/flares on the map.
Later, the Hunter finds himself in range of enough enemies to fill the screen with range circles.
At this point I'm just waiting on the spire archive. The Hunter gets a pet guardian, apparently, as neither the H/K nor this Lightning Guardian will auto-attack each other.
Spire Archive finishes. Mk3 Bombers unlocked, 5,000K left. What to get?
Next time, the grand finale.