Author Topic: A Game of Drones (well, not so much) [10/10]  (Read 7325 times)

Offline Minotaar

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A Game of Drones (well, not so much) [10/10]
« on: July 31, 2012, 03:17:16 pm »
...because a game of shield bearers would be a hell of a boring game.

80 planet Concentric
10/10 Stealth Master / The Tank
All ship types (including CSGs)
Marauders 1/10
Fighters 3/10
Rebellions 4/10
Miners 2/10
Dyson 1/10
Rocketry Corps 1/10
(I like to sprinkle in a bit of everything. Not the most evil mix, but it is pretty much my first 10/10)

AutoAIP: 10 AIP / 2 hours (I'm going to regret this)

Starting ship: Shield Bearer (did someone say "this isn't fair!"?)

16:00 - unlocked harvester 3/3s for the start as well as the usual trinkets: tachy emitter, grav turret, warp sensor, scout 2. Scouting reveals nothing good at all... or does it?!

Yeah, absolutely *nothing* to see here at all. Moving on.

It was also kind enough to put a CoProcessor right in my face on Earthquake. Well, let's just grab Genesis and Inferno then, that should keep me busy for some time. The Cheese... err Stealth Master looks like he grabbed himself some Gravity Drains and Shield Bearers and the Tank has TeleRaiders and something cloaked. Not messing around, I see. I'll unlock the Decloaker to test it out, I guess. Raids already almost finished.

40:00 Finishing up with neutering Monsoon. Stole some Engi IIIs from it with the Leech Starships. Reclaimed some Raptors from a wave too, will keep those for GravDrain assasinations I guess.

45:00 Monsoon reinforced with 2 EMP guardians on my wormhole while I was cleaning it up. Oops? Whew. 380 Bomber wave comes in for Genesis. Wave, meet Minefield.


56:00 679 Teleport Raiders to Genesis. I HATE Teleport Raiders. Stacking all the FFs on top of command station and praying they don't decide to check out the homeworld. Put a FF on HW wormhole just in case. Fleet is late by about five seconds, but the FFs hold up fine.

1:01 Getting a Lab Mk2 with my fleet onto Inferno...

Teleporting Leech // Armor Ship / Impulse Reaction Emitter

Pretty sure I'm fine with Leeches here, the Refractive bonus makes them even better here. None of these guys are even on the nerf list, but we'll manage. (You can see I still had some optimism in me at that point)

1:13 Setting up Inferno, getting a wave of 563 Fighters to it immediately. My fleet being present causes a minefield malfunction and as a result some 130 of them escape. Too bad I didn't have my Riots on hand, having just queued them up.

1:33 Still trying to find some new targets. A 1.3k Youngling Tiger wave made a bit of a dent in my fleet. Was something supposed to be done about youngling waves or what?

1:41 Unlocked HBCs, Basic 2s and Enclave 2s. Here come the drones :)

2:00 1.9k cloaked to Genesis. +10 AIP from Auto Progress (oops, gotta hurry up).

2:12 Just finished cleaning up the follow-up 1.3k Armor Ships to Genesis. They managed to break the command station despite my whole fleet standing there mostly undamaged the whole time. Damn are these guys tough. Wish I had those and not the Leeches.

2:30 Fleet is busy clearing scout paths to the left of the homeworld, 1350 cloaked for Genesis. Then 1459 SpaceTanks to Inferno. Whoops. Cloaker wave turns up Raptors and is obliterated by the minefield.

2:34 Tanks cleaned up, not too difficult, but fleet required. Would definitely rather meet them on a single chokepoint, though, but which one? Probably Inferno, it doesn't have stupid resource harvesters all over the place and is farther away from the HW.

2:52 Alright, we're moving the whipping boy to Inferno. That means I need to remove the Eye from Plateau. It took a while, as it tends to happen with AI Eyes covered by 4 Stealth Guardposts.
The decloaker buff did its job, by the way - I no longer want to rip my hair out while using them, quite the opposite, in fact. ;)

1141 Cloaked to Inferno, can probably get the fleet back in time with transports. Let's not take chances.

2:54 It's Raptors. It is always the Raptors, making my grav turrets worthless. At least they're pretty harmless themselves.
Now let's go back to gateraiding and moving the defenses. I'll need quite a bank to do this quickly, so I will clean some more Tachy guardians while money's piling up.

2:56 I'm real low on energy, have to build a third Matter Converter. Don't do parasites, kids.

2:58 932 Bombers to Genesis. Good thing my fleet's here and in full force.

3:00 Well, we got some 80 mk2 Bombers out of that, will be useful at some point.

3:02 Plateau gate down, we're moving.

3:04 Into Scarecrow to kill some tachyons.. There's 4 EMPs here, though, so we're not leaving til they're dead.

3:07 Flare here has a Gravity Drill and 3x Ion 2 + 1x Ion 1. I kind of want this as my chokepoint, but not sure how exactly to go about taking it, as it's mk4. Maybe the new Spire Starships will help me out..
And Gloom, which is behind Flare, has Bombard V and Vampire V fabs. Do want! The path between the wormholes on Flare can definitely be crossed without killing the Drill, then we could take Gloom and then beachhead Flare with Sniper turrets. It's a plan, and I don't really have one at the moment, and I really need to take a planet.

3:15 Still looking for alternatives before I go ahead with the drill plan. As I'm in Overload neutering a CPA of 631 ships announces.
Think I still have time to pop the planetary cloaker on Aggression before the CPA.

3:17 2544 Cloaked to Inferno. Waaat. That sounds like autocannons, but carriers full of them still sounds pretty bad. Evacuating the fleet immediately.

3:19, Well, that was easy, only about 150 escapees. Time to prepare for the CPA.

3:22 2250 Cloaked. Lands 45 seconds before the CPA. That's unfortunate.
... They're Space Planes this time. Radar Dampening 3000, Immune to Mines. That is doubly unfortunate. Immune to AOE and Tractors too. What the hell is this?!
They just obliterate my Basics while taking no damage. CHAAARGE! TAKE THEM HEAD ON!!!
They die like the rats they are, causing almost no damage to the fleet. Got a free cap of mk2's for myself as well.

3:28 Most of the CPA units are coming through Inferno anyway, where they realize that most of them are not, in fact, immune to mines. Everyone is having a happy light show.

3:30 Threat is down to normal levels (about 250), resuming offensive operations

3:40 Fleet returning to base after popping the Planet Cloak on Aggression and the scouted Data Center on Melee. Next I'll check around the left side, want to scout behind Fork and kill the DC on Festival.

3:49 Oh look, there's an ARS on Pandemonium. There's also a mk2 Radar Jammer and an Eye, but no Ion Cannons in sight.

3:50 Launched Raids to Festival, trying to get the defenders away from the wormhole. 1242 Fighters inbound. Going to leave this to my turrets and Space Planes.

The Raids got caught up in Gravity Drains and were smoked. That's a lot of crystal...
 *facehuggers* ..
 going down the drain.  8)

At least they woke everyone up so that we can kill them one by one.
500+ bastards from the wave escaped. I'm going to neuter Boomerang into the ground and plop a mine run there, I swear.

3:53 3124 cloaked inbound. This is getting annoying. Looks like I've got resistance fighters on Inferno though, that should help.  Fleet's way too far away to assist, and my bank account is empty.
Turns out, the Data Center is not only under a Spire FF post, there's also a Grav Guardian next to it. This will take more than Raids.
Everything rebuilds in time on Inferno. Let's see how this goes...
Carriers get popped (I have auto-target on), and a freaking SpireCRAFT Shield Bearer mkII comes out. Scary, I know. The wave is defeated without too much property damage, and the Resistance is even in position to intercept those who flee.

4:00 +10 AIP from Auto Progress. Why did I do this to myself? AIP at 80.
Also, thank god for decloakers (once again), 5 stealth posts covering an Eye would be a danger for my sanity otherwise.

4:02 Finally dealt with the Eye.
The ARS on Pandemonium is in deepstrike range, 5 hops away. I could take Leviathan, as it has a ZPG, but it also means 3 gateraids just to keep the thing safe, and I'm not willing to do that. Instead I'm going to grab some spare Raptors and kill the CS on Pandemonium straight up. Should also sidestep the Eye problem by speedbuilding a command station. That doesn't leave room for HAX, however, so I'll check it first. It would have to have Blade Spawners at this point for me to bother with hacking, though.
The Tele-Leeches are entirely disappointing, by the way, just because they're too expensive to use. I just keep them in reserve now.

4:06 Repairing the fleet on Seraph, about to go for Festival. There's a Data Center on Void as well, nice.

4:08 While I was invading Festival, a SSB killed half my raptors. And all the engineers. Pretty tame for an SSB, really.

4:16 Festival is neutered and the building crew is in place, just need to grab my Lab mk2.

4:18 Just killing the tachy guardian cost me 90 deepstrike threat. Yeah, no prolonged operations allowed.

4:19 Science Lab in...

Spire Gravity Ripper // Zenith Viral Shredder / Neinzul Youngling Commando

The Commando is like the only remotely useful thing here!
At least now I will remember to nominate the Ripper in the next Worst Ship poll.  :)
Yeah, I don't know what to do. Hacking this thing is impossible without taking extra AIP, and I don't even want any of the planets that are within 4 hops. I'm sending scouts to Cyclone, but there's nothing else.
The Ripper is another terribly expensive ship that I will probably never use.
The only thing the Shredder is ever going to shred is my energy reserves.
This is the worst I've ever felt seeing an ARS, pretty much. I really need a planet ASAP, so I'm probably going with the Rippers, unless Cyclone makes me change my mind.
Scouts can't reach Cyclone, and it's way too far away anyway. Proceeding with plan Alpha.
100 more threat and the station is down.
Built a Military CS, no guardposts self-destructed. I've read somewhere that they would. Thought I've already learned my lesson with trusting people on the Internet, apparently not :D

4:24 Unlock Hardened FFs for my new planet. The Jammer is intact, and the CS is right next to it. Both of these things are on a wormhole, but that doesn't worry me too much. Should make a fine whippin' boy. I probably have about 15 minutes before the next batch of waves, maybe I can even move it in that time. I also have to visit Void for the DC, and pop a couple warpgates. Have 360/430k, let's do it. The only thing that worries me is the resource gatherers. There was only one on Inferno, but here they're all over the place, which could create unwanted behaviors like mine and gravity well avoidance . :) We'll have to see how bad it is.

4:26 Boomerang warpgate out of commission. Used Space Planes to kill it. This unit seems pretty damn amazing. I didn't lose too many, even though I had to wait the recloak out under a ton of fire because of the grav drains.
5 seconds later...
2952 Youngilng Tigers to Pandemonium in 01:29
-15k m/c per second is getting spent on all the business I've ordered. Here's hoping that distribution node I saved up isn't trojan...
Thankfully, it is not. Still, not all the turrets are done. Carriers once again spew out a shield bearer, this time with about 20 mk3 fleet shieldbearers for company. In addition to 2000 angry tigers.
Well, isn't this a giant mess. The harvesters sure didn't help.

A pandemonium, one might even say.   8)

Alright... almost done here...

2,485 Missile Frigates (II) in 01:29
Good grief.
Somehow, my turrets are mostly fine, and I do have a Jammer. But 2500? Daaamn. No money, mines aren't built. Node on Plateau is trojan. Even better.
Here they come...
...and immediately 2000 run off. WTF!? GET BACK HERE!!!!!
Yep, looks like they're heading for Inferno. AFTER THEM!!! I manage to snag some with the Riots, but a full Carrier and a ton more go on to escape.
Moving Basics back to Inferno for now.
Carriers are on Boomerang already, and the turrets aren't done yet. I have Space Planes hanging there to ambush and pop them.

Not dead yet.
Inferno gets steamrolled by 1500 frigates (why did I even bother building turrets), even though the mines took their toll.
The resistance figthers intercept the enemy on Monsoon and finish them off on Genesis. About 300 of them are still floating around, but that's not a big deal.
Now we have work to do. Preferably in 15 minutes before another wave comes down.
To-Do List:
1. Clear Void out and lay mines on the escape route. The AI Eye's not going to help with that, I'm afraid. Kill the damn data center, too.
2. Rebuild Pandemonium back up.
3. Rebuild Inferno if possible.

4:53 The second the Eye pops, 1677 Fighters incoming. This we can handle. Just DON'T ESCAPE!! Some extra tractors will be needed to ensure that.
Just a couple hundred escaped, this wasn't so bad. Now to work on the minefield.
Never thought I'd say that, but it looks like we're running out of mines...

That's over 130 of them.

4:59 Oh look, the inspection arrived! 2,129 more Fighters.

5:02 Would be nice to have some more firepower, but mostly it worked out. The minefield did the job, too - nobody escaped. The firepower problem can be solved with these 6k K I have lying around...
Think I'll be getting myself mk2 Lasers and mk2 Lightnings.

5:12 We found another ARS at Nightmare! Too bad there's also a raid engine. I sure do hope that when they come, they come for my whipping boy and through the minefield and not the other way around...

5:17 Turns out my Engineers repair infinite-hp engines on my Enclaves for massive economic damage! I don't even want to know how much money went down THAT drain.
(Waiting for 5.051)
... Alright, that's fixed, time to get back to it.

Expect another couple of waves to hit soon, after that we're going for the ARS and Raid Engine.
Also, I think with the K I saved up and the 3k from Nightmare I'll get warp jammers. I need to cut down on the AIP I'm taking, and I intend to use them later anyway for some Spire Archive fun. Since the game was made before the seeding changed, it'll be on a coreworld.

5:24 Still waiting... Doing a little cleanup on Boomerang in the meantime, as I want to put another mine run there. (I will probably never get around to that in this whole game.)

5:27 There we go. 3,257 Cloaked incoming. Pretty sure it's autocannons, if so, nothing to worry about.
Wave arrives, two carriers popped, shield bearers as usual. The Spirecraft SB runs off to the side and tries to headbutt a harvester. I thought it would be ineffective, but turns out AI shieldbearers have guns. Now I'm jealous.
Also, I turned auto-kiting on for everyone. With a Mk2 Radar Jammer, it turns out to be very pretty.

Microing 700 units like a gosu

Wave eliminated with no losses (I think).

5:30 1700+ Bombers is up next, this will be a little more interesting. Maybe. Also, I need my mk2 bomber cap refilled. Who needs to unlock mk2s when there's so many of them to reclaim? ;)
... the Bombers did actual nothing, too. Only things I'm scared of are the stupid TeleRaiders, the Missile Frigs and maybe Younglings, since there's so frickin' many of them. Alright, time to test this defense on the Raid Engine. Oh, yea, I did get almost a cap of MK2 Bombers.

5:35 Alright, saving before setting the thing off.
1656 Enemy Ships (III) in 00:58
Engine is down with 10s on the timer. RUUUUN!!! And what is this +5 AIP for, might I ask?
It's Etherjets. They turn 'running away' into 'running away with you on the hook'. Some Autocannons in there too. I have to scrap all the fleetships, and a bunch of starships get destroyed as well. La Resistance picks a fight with the wave on Void.   

5:39 799 Ships Massing for Cross-Planet Attack in 09:59
I get my fleet into Void to clean up the rest, and the etherjets promptly run off with half of it. The whole tractoring while cloaked thing is evil, but I guess I deserve it for abusing it with Martyrs all the time.

5:43 5 min on the timer, and my stockpiles are a little dry from this whole raiding expedition. I need to either build some stuff over at the mainland or transfer from the whipping boy.
5:48 1 min left, just popped the DC on Eureka, AIP 90. Also shipped some 180 untis to the homeworld in the meantime. Going to build some of those damn Grav Rippers for the first time, I guess, since I have some cash.

5:50 CPA lands, first attack is into Genesis. I send half a cap of Rippers in to test them out. They manage to scratch the paint on two SSBs before being almost completely destroyed. Yeaaaaaah.

5:53 Construction of MK1 Gravity Rippers exhausted available energy reserves. Ordered to halt the constructiion and scrap the already produced units to free up energy for something that DOESN'T SUCK AS HARD.

5:57 3,333 Cloaked incoming. And I was just thinking of finally taking the ARS...

6:00 +10 AI Progress from Auto Progress. Well, back then I thought I could manage it. AIP 100.

6:04 1,517 Bombers. My fleet's a bit out there, but Rippers and fighters should be enough.

6:07 Bombers uneventfully died (my Rippers did, too. Yeah, enough of this.) Dyson spotted on Glimmervoid along with a Warbird fab. Not sure if I should bother with it, but I'll need a CSG-C at some point, I guess.

6:17 Nightmare is cleared wtih some resistance, sending in a lab. In other news, I'm at 700k/1m resources. Makes me feel better.
Sniper // Electric Shuttle / Zenith Electric Bomber

Well, I do want me some snipers, thank you! 

Now to grab the planet, vacuum the 3k knowledge out of it, then plop a warp jammer down before anyone notices. GO!

6:22 Operation complete. Now what?
I suppose I'll finally check the three unscouted planets at the bottom, it might be a homeworld, though I doubt it.

6:26 2,493 Cloaked Ships in 01:27. Building a bunch of tractors in case they're Raptors.
Mining Golem will destroy Nightmare in 29:57
Mining Golem will destroy Monsoon in 29:57

To hell with Monsoon, but we'll have to pay a visit to Nightmare I suppose.

6:27 Raptors it is. Easy as pie.

6:36 The Enclave-Bomber team that was dispatched to deal with the miners is successful, and the fleet cleaned up the remaining tachyons in the south. The homeworld isn't there, but maybe there's something else..

2,797 Fighters are next in line.
I'm maxed out on everything, might as well build some Leeches.
Carrier made a mk2 Siege Tower for a change.

6:41 Wave defeated, but Nightmare has been thrashed by a raiding party in the meantime. The jammer CS didn't drop remains for some reason.

6:42 I forgot about my scouts, but they found the last Co-Processor on Backdraft! Along with a NRC Silo mk3. The question is, how do I even get to it without causing over 9000 ships worth of deepstrike!? I could take Gloom for the two fabs, I guess, but that's going to take quite some time.

6:45 Warpgate Guardian spawned on Plateau. That definitely needs to die real fast.

6:52 A freshly-built strikeforce raised hell on Plateau, but no trace of the guardian was found.
An interesting incident occurred on Tolaria, where I left my fleet without command, with powered-down enclaves and in range of a fortress for a period of time. After turning the enclaves back on, the situation quickly stabilized. Conclusion: Enclaves with Shield Bearers are an entirely fair thing.

6:56 4,453 Cloaked Ships in 1:29
... that's unfortunate.
I barely manage to get the fleet home from 5 hops out.
It's the Space Planes, too. CHAAAARGE!
Now THIS was a mess. I lost maybe half my starships in that. Got another resistance fighter spawn, thankfully, to clear the escapees.

That's it for this post, updates will be smaller as I've been playing this one for a while. It's starting to get kinda desperate :)

Offline keith.lamothe

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Re: A Game of Drones (well, not so much) [10/10]
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2012, 09:52:17 am »
"Massive post (2,430 FP) detected.  Charging quote cannon."

...because a game of shield bearers would be a hell of a boring game.
I dunno, the mental picture of a medieval army (cavalry and all) being shoved en-masse and eventually pushed off a cliff by a bunch of guys with tower shields... not without entertainment value.

Yeah, absolutely *nothing* to see here at all. Moving on.
Pay No Attention to the research facility behind the curtain!

We, um, we lost tractor lock on that CSG-A when moving it to the target planet.  Yea.  That's the ticket.

The Cheese... err Stealth Master looks like he grabbed himself some Gravity Drains and Shield Bearers
Is it just me, or does that sound ludicrously painful?  Being stuck in a gravity well that you can't see because of the stealth, and can't hit because of 15 allied forcefields...

Wave, meet Minefield.
Nice to meet you, how's the wife and k-ABOOM.

Ah yes there it is.

I HATE Teleport Raiders.
The LogIII station unlock will cost you just a wafer-thin piece of knowledge...

Teleporting Leech // Armor Ship / Impulse Reaction Emitter

Pretty sure I'm fine with Leeches here, the Refractive bonus makes them even better here.
Hmm, I dunno if I've ever heard anyone say anything good about TL's.  I recently did a bunch of testing with a save a player submitted with a performance-regression report; they had an IRE-heavy fleet attacking an AI planet.  Those energy-loving guardians did not last long.

But worth hacking for?  Probably not.

A 1.3k Youngling Tiger wave made a bit of a dent in my fleet. Was something supposed to be done about youngling waves or what?
It would have been like 1.7k without the change :)

Whoops. Cloaker wave turns up Raptors and is obliterated by the minefield.
Yea, there was recently a bug report of a wave not launching when the timer came up.  I investigated the save and saw that the wave was indeed launching, but the mine-ring immediately around the wormhole accidentally all the raptors.  Before they could show up on any instruments, really.

Would definitely rather meet them on a single chokepoint, though, but which one? Probably Inferno, it doesn't have stupid resource harvesters all over the place and is farther away from the HW.
Ah, but don't forget our fine line of harvester-cloaking exo-shields!  When the AI needs a little focus to get in the chipper-shredder, there you go! (/car-salesman)

The decloaker buff did its job, by the way - I no longer want to rip my hair out while using them, quite the opposite, in fact. ;)
Ah, drat, no more screenshots of hundreds-of-waypoints move-order-patterns set up by people trying to physically ram scout starships into stealth guard posts ;)

... They're Space Planes this time. Radar Dampening 3000, Immune to Mines. That is doubly unfortunate. Immune to AOE and Tractors too. What the hell is this?!
They just obliterate my Basics while taking no damage. CHAAARGE! TAKE THEM HEAD ON!!!
They die like the rats they are, causing almost no damage to the fleet. Got a free cap of mk2's for myself as well.
Hahaha.  They lacked that critical "Immune to Boottothehead" flag.

Most of the CPA units are coming through Inferno anyway, where they realize that most of them are not, in fact, immune to mines.
A mistake commonly made by new units.  Once.

The Raids got caught up in Gravity Drains and were smoked. That's a lot of crystal...
 *facehuggers* ..
 going down the drain.  8)
Too bad there's no Arty Golem to do the rimshot.

Carriers get popped (I have auto-target on), and a freaking SpireCRAFT Shield Bearer mkII comes out. Scary, I know.
It's like one of those hateful birthday clowns jumping out of the cake.

4:00 +10 AIP from Auto Progress. Why did I do this to myself?
You weren't asking that question in the first 10 minutes?

At least now I will remember to nominate the Ripper in the next Worst Ship poll.  :)
"Let us remember all the men and women that... actually, that ALL the men and women died to make this nomination possible..."

Turns out my Engineers repair infinite-hp engines on my Enclaves for massive economic damage!
"Wait! Bob! No! Don't hook up the repair gun to a device with literally infinite healt-"*BOOOOOOOM* (crew is among first devoured by the newly formed economic singularity)

Ordered to halt the constructiion and scrap the already produced units to free up energy for something that DOESN'T SUCK AS HARD.
But I thought Grav Drains would be an improvement!

Mining Golem will destroy Monsoon in 29:57

To hell with Monsoon, but we'll have to pay a visit to Nightmare I suppose.
Yea, that +AIP from Monsoon going nuclear won't hurt a bit, what could go wrong?

The jammer CS didn't drop remains for some reason.
Odd, I did include them when I made CS's drop remains.  Save from before it blowing up?
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Re: A Game of Drones (well, not so much) [10/10]
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2012, 11:49:49 am »

The decloaker buff did its job, by the way - I no longer want to rip my hair out while using them, quite the opposite, in fact. ;)
Ah, drat, no more screenshots of hundreds-of-waypoints move-order-patterns set up by people trying to physically ram scout starships into stealth guard posts ;)

Yeah, now if only they could get a new icon so that they don't get mixed up with the turrets...  ;)

Mining Golem will destroy Monsoon in 29:57

To hell with Monsoon, but we'll have to pay a visit to Nightmare I suppose.
Yea, that +AIP from Monsoon going nuclear won't hurt a bit, what could go wrong?

I thought intergalactic treaties prohibited the unauthorized usage of nuclear weapons during an AI apocalypse.
Right? Riiiiight?  ;)

The jammer CS didn't drop remains for some reason.
Odd, I did include them when I made CS's drop remains.  Save from before it blowing up?

Welp, now I can't reproduce it. Score one for the AI  :)

Offline Minotaar

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Re: A Game of Drones (well, not so much) [10/10]
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2012, 09:23:29 am »
7:04 Scouting attempts continue while I do a small-scale refleet. They finally manage to get past Simulacrum and bump face-first into a coreworld on Urborg, complete with a Spire Archive. There's only about 120 units on it and 3 Ion 1's, so it shouldn't be too bad, but I sure do want to know if there's a Core Raid Engine hiding around here somewhere...

1900 Space Tanks are incoming.

7:07 Wave is defeated and I have a fresh cap of mk2 Tanks. I tried mopping them with formation-move Riot Starships, unfortunately, they were quick enough to shoot all three of them down in a couple seconds, but they still got pushed plenty far away, and I'm maxed out on crystal anyway. Should replace the tractors with additional FFs before attempting that next time.
80 Marauders decide to make an appearance after the battle, and before I notice my Leeches have already suicided on them. At least it wasn't the whole cap.

7:15 Sending my rebuilt Enclave attack force to Simulacrum to clear more tachyon guardians. Small-scale raids are pretty much made impossible by Gravity Drains.
Scout intel from Onslaught indicates a high-priority target... one fabricator to rule them all - the Blade Spawner V fabricator.
The strike force consists of Enclaves, Shield Bearers, Snipers, Frigates, Flagships, Raids and Decloakers for maximum long-range firepower and survivability.

7:18 Actually, I'm going to visit our friend Dyson at Glimmervoid first. It might be that I'll want to free him anyway, since Simulacrum is already 5 hops out from our territory. And there's a Warbird fab there, too.

7:26 Brainstorm, Sacrifice and Blizzard have nothing of interest. 3382 Cloaked incoming.

7:29 We have a mk3 siege tower on the loose, but it went alright. Except that I lost my strike team. Cause of death: TOO MANY FRIGGIN' MK4 SSB's. Though the enclaves did hold them off for like 3 minutes building shieldbearers nonstop.

7:33 Nightmare got popped again by the same rampaging mk4 SSB's. I sent reinforcements in advance, but they got delayed by gravity EVERYTHINGS. And since I mostly sent Gravity Rippers, they didn't hurt anything anyway. The Space Planes that I remembered to take out of low-power by the end of the battle did much better.

7:37 Nightmare and the fleet finish rebuilding, 2757 Fighters coming in.

7:40 Wave cleared, now what? Now we need to finally scout the homeworld and see what's up. Getting some more deepstrike threat is inevitable.

7:50 Two Ion Cannons, under a forcefield, with a gravity drain and covered by a fortress. Yeah, this is fun.

7:51 300 threat for two tachyon guardians. Worth it? I guess.
Deepstrike is flowing through Addle into my fleet and getting eaten. I suppose I could put scouts on the coreworld and figure out where the HW is by deepstriking. Might be useful at some point.

Keith, looks like deepstrike isn't zombies after all. Thanks for all the MK3's. I won't be abusing this TOO hard, I promise. ;)

7:55 I spy with my little eye...

The AI also believes in overkill.

TWO CPA Posts?!
Well, I'm not sure what I'm going to do about those later on, but at least it means the Spire Archive on Urborg is up for grabs. A Raid Engine would disappoint me much more.

7:57 The SSB crew from the deepstrike has finally arrived. Enclaves and Shieldbearers still beat'em any day.
An Etherjet dragging a dyson gatling just came along, too. Heh.

7:58 Nice, a Data Center spotted on Darkness. Each one is a token worth 2 extra hours...

8:00 Speak of the devil... +10 AI Progress from Auto Progress. AIP 131. Still have a DC and 4 CPs in reserve.
Fleet is at Nightmare for repairs, next will be moving up the Sandstorm-Anarchy-Rout-Arena arc to clear more scouting areas, put a cloaked strike team near Rout's CP and possibly take Arena.

8:02 2906 Cloaked incoming. I have some transports ready on Nightmare, so the fleet is coming to defend.

8:04 They were Raptors and did nothing.

8:05 2315 Armor Ships. Let's get this over with and then continue with the attacks. This one's going to hurt.

8:09 Took a while, but they're dead. Used a lot of Riot movement to push them back from the FF stack to the wormhole, was pretty effective.

8:10 1047 ship CPA. These guys aren't letting up.

8:19 Waiting for it, scouting.. Another DC and, will you believe it, an ADVANCED FACTORY on Castle. I thought mapgen simply forgot to put those on the map.
Looks like Arena might become the next stepping stone after all. Spider V and engi V fabs would be nice to have, too.

8:20 here we go... 300/200/500 mk1/2/3s. Looks like we might be losing Inferno, as Monsoon is all fired up with 300 mk3's. We must construct addititonal Matter Converters.

8:22 Inferno is overrun.

8:23 Cleaning up the rest of it on Genesis. All credit goes to Resistance Fighters.

8:34 Finally removed defenders of Sandstorm and their five Ion Cannons.

8:37 6837 Teleport Raiders
... I knew that day would come.
I stack 14 forcefields on the command station and move both caps of Lightning turrets there as well.

8:38 6158 Cloaked Ships in 01:26
... are you kidding me!? 13k back to back?

Good news:
There are only 4000 ships left on Pandemonium. Most are autocannons.
Bad news:
A full carrier loaded with Teleport Raiders is flying off into the sunset.

I decided to move the forcefields and lightnings to Nightmare and accidentally scrapped the CS on Pandemonium together with the forcefields. Guess that's an excuse to replay this from the autosave, though it's less 'play' and more 'pray'.

8:41 Almost done on Pandemonium, but I'm sitting on 2000 threat.
One of the carriers actually shows up at Glimmervoid to visit the Dyson, it seems. Now to find the other one...

8:45 Nowhere to be found. Looks like they're targeting the homeworld.

8:48 A carrier suddenly shows up at Sandstorm and is moving towards Nightmare. And I just moved the turrets to the HW...
Transports get the fleet back in time. The shieldbearers hold the command station up while the fleet quickly disposes of the Raiders. Just one carrier left.

I'm not making a ton of progress here, need to make haste. I'm moving for Arena. Too bad I forgot the Enclaves back home when I scrambled everything else into transports. Really want a Brave Enclaves toggle.

8:54 Almost missed the second carrier, it's also heading to Nightmare. Should be able to get back home in time from Anarchy.

8:56 Teleport Raiders no longer considered a threat, as they really can't do jack to Shield Bearers.
9:04 Rout cleared, starting to send scouts past Arena. Burnout ALSO has an Advanced Factory. Did they really have to be next to each other?

9:05 Rebel Colony on Sentinel will lose invisibility protection in 119:59
Oh, hello there. Almost forgot about you.
So it is basically next door... the joys of being all over the map.
Taking it would also connect Inferno to NIghtmare and Pandemonium, enabling transports to go between any two planets without blowing up.
Hmm. Yeah, I think Arena, the AF and the two Data Centers can wait. This is the most firepower for the least AIP I'm going to be able to get in this game, and with it I'll be able to permanently keep my fleet on defense. The Rebels and Shield Bearers will take care of the rest.

9:10 4899 Cloaked Ships.

9:14 They are Space Planes, so it's a real battle. 2615 more Cloaked Ships are up next.

9:20 And those were Raptors. About 1/20th as hard as the Planes.

9:27 Rebels are saved, now build them! FASTER!

9:28 Oh, I get the knowledge, too! What to get, what to get...
Wait, what is this? A Modular Fortress? But I didn't buy the expansion yet! How nice of you to give 5 times the fortress for the same energy cost! Who needs fleet ships anyway, I've got the Rebels. Well, actually I do kind of want mk2 Shield Bearers, but it's not that urgent.
I don't know if the mk1 can hold mk2 modules, though, will need to test this out and see if the DPS is good enough.

9:32 Got the K, let's save, unlock and check this out. 10 of each Rebel left to build, and I have about 250k/750k left.
Noticed another (questionable) advantage of the Modular Fort: it can kill carriers 20 times as well, because someone forgot to put a 0.05 Scout multiplier on it.
Oh yes, this is glorious.
Main weapon 160k x30 / 6s = 900k DPS
x8 Laser batteries 72k x3 x8 / 4s = 432k DPS
x4 Heavy Beam Cannons 260k x7 x4 / 8s = 910k DPS
Total: 2.242m DPS, or 2.5 Fort 1s.
Against Refractive it's going to be over 4m DPS.
Okay, sold! Now to get the money...

...And then my hopes were destroyed when I realized that it must be from the expansion, since they wouldn't put modules in the base game. Oops. Good thing I saved, I guess.
Welp, that was disappointing, what other options do we have?
I can get a triangle ship to boost my defense, or shield bearers to boost my offense.
Yes, that sounds ridiculous, but there you go.
Actually, since the mk2 shield bearer has the same hp/build time ratio, it doesn't help me all that much as long as I'm using the Enclaves.
Alright, unlocking mk2 Frigates, since I'm going up against all of this refractive stuff.

What to do next? There are two options:
1) take Arena and kill the two DCs
2) take Gloom and kill all CPs
or I could get dangerous and pop Burnout for the Advanced Factory immediately at the cost of some deepstrike threat. Since I have lots of powerful grav-immune (take THAT!) ships, I think it'll work out.

9:34 Rebel fleet complete, time to go hunting.

9:42 5138 Youngling Tigers.

9:46 Well, my Lightning Turret Ball got obliterated, that's gotta be a first.

9:47 Better rebuild it real fast, got 6900 more cloaked ships incoming.

9:48 Look, we've got 2 Core Starships over here. Fancy.

9:52 Executed deepstrike on Burnout, AIP 171, 448 threat. Have to clear the DC's out before the next batch of waves.

9:56 AI blurts out "Did you really expect that to work?" Why yes, yes I did.

9:59 Both DC's are down. About 40% of the rebel fleet and 3 enclaves still intact. No idea how. Guess they're just that good. Returning home for repairs.

10:00 +10 AIP Progress from Auto Progress. They didn't know their sacrifice was in vain... AIP 161. In other words, TOO DAMN MUCH.
I have an unclaimed planet with a Fact4 (not that I wanted the fact4 anyway), so there's 3k more K to invest. Probably bombers mk2, since the stacks of shield bearers are getting a bit too big.

10:04 Another DC on Crevasse, probably the last one.

10:10 3877 Missile Frigates incoming. Didn't quite unlock those bombers in time.

10:21 Burnout secure, command station incoming, then we raid Crevasse.
8141 Cloaked Ships to Pandemonium. It's not like this is a record or anything.

10:26 While I was busy killing all the autocannons, some roamers wiped out Sentinel.

10:33 Sentinel and Burnout finally up. Defenses are stretched very thin.

10:37 Crevasse DC down, AIP 152. Scouts sent to Riptide and Regress, last two unscouted planets in the third circle (the analogy just seems to fit).

10:39 3418 Fighters. The waves seemingly desynced after that last max-timer. This is a welcome break.

10:45 Third and fourth circles scouted completely, nothing found. Could go for the archive now, or take out the CPs and get those mkV Bombards. The 9k from the Archive would allow production of mk4's, however.
Maxed out on resources, pumping out Merc Fighters. Should come in handy.
Operation Archive requires extra bombers to kill a fort, so I'll wait until after the next wave and clear the way in the meantime.]

10:51 Killed off a spawned WG guardian on Festival and started neutering Castle. 1215 ship CPA in 10 minutes. That'll delay the offensive alright. Can't afford to lose the factory.

10:52 Okay, I count about 1050 ships in the Earthquake-Monsoon-Plateau triangle, all of that's getting freed, so we only have to contend with 200 more. Going to reinforce Inferno with the rebel fighters and the homeworld with some fleetships.

10:56 5000+ cloaked incoming. Suspect space planes. Bringing over my 100 merc fighters to help.

10:58 Etherjets. Hide in the forcefields!!!

11:01 Threat distribution better than expected. As in, most of it has to pass through the minefield to get to the CS and not the other way around.

11:03 Couldn't save Inferno, unfortunately.

11:08 3448 Fighters. Good, good.

11:25 Been clearing out the fifth circle with the rebel fleet. Scouted into the center point, 4th ARS on Distress with a data center.

11:30 Killed some 5000 more Space Planes. Need to progress, though. I decide to try a 6 hop deepstrike on Backdraft's coprocessor to save the 20 AIP from Gloom, which will be very hard to defend while giving me Bombards which won't be very useful on the homeworlds. I've scouted a StarBombIV fab on Pentavus, so I can take that for my CSG-C, and I'll have to take it as a stepping stone as well.
20 Fighter/Bombers are dedicated to the suicide mission. There is no chance of survival, as they will be scrapped after destroying the target.
Space Planes get in positions to strike at the other co-processors.
All 20 fighters survive the first four hops. I turn half of them back at that point.
The threat clock counted from 200 to 552 before stopping. Acceptable.
The rest of the hidden strike groups open fire on their targets. AIP down to 124. Now to deal with the backlash.

11:37 A warhead from the silo is flying through Festival and into Pandemonium. Take a chunk out of the fleet that is sent to destroy it.

11:42 Most of the threat is gone, 2013 Bombers coming in.

11:44 You know something's not right when Bombers are the easy wave.

11:45 Next target is probably Pentavus. The Spire Archive can wait until I see what's in the two remaining ARS.
Hopefully this is the last deepstrike I have to do this game.

To be continued...

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Re: A Game of Drones (well, not so much) [10/10]
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2012, 09:32:45 am »
Really looking forward to seeing how this turns out.

Offline Minotaar

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Re: A Game of Drones (well, not so much) [10/10]
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2012, 05:28:10 pm »
11:49 With 10 more AIP looming, I remember about the D-network. This is the lowest the AIP is going to be this game, so I should probably go pop a counterattack post. Which one?

Iceberg and Monsoon are the two only relevant planets, taking Monsoon will give a little more security during CPAs and Iceberg is within 4 hops of Distress, allowing me to skip Pentavus and grab, for example, the Warbird fab and Dyson Sphere on Glimmervoid instead. Both have 0/0 resource spots (obv). Iceberg seems like a more appealing option, so I'll go clear the way to that. I'll wait for about 3 minutes from now to try and not make it overlap with other waves, and also get some cash stocked up.

11:53 Rebel fleet is in position to take out Iceberg's counter-post... and sees Iceberg's OTHER counter-post 20k units away. Nice plan. ;D Redirecting to Monsoon. A wave could come in any second now.
Actually, since Monsoon's been nuked by the Miners hours ago, I can't even get energy from it anymore. I didn't intend on keeping Iceberg either, though. Hm, maybe taking Eureka isn't the actual worst, since that at least gives me 5 harvester spots and is close enough to Nightmare, Sentinel and Pandemonium to be defensible... Okay, let's pop that one. Not taking it till the HW assault anyway, though. Rebels are going to take a while to get there, so I dispacth bombers in a transport from Pandemonium instead.

11:54 2,709 AI 1 Enemy Ships, 3 Starships (III) to Inferno in 13:57. Oh carp. At least AI 1 is Stealth Master, so that means no tele raiders and lots of squishy cloakers. Now to catch the normal wave, destroy it with great haste and make way to Inferno.

11:56 Rebels are out to clear transport paths of Gravity Drains and floating threat.

11:59 2,311 Cloaked coming in. Looks like I've nailed the timing. My (very well-honed during this game) cloaker-counting skills say it's raptors.

12:00 +10 AI Progress from Auto Progress. This is getting depressing, you know.

12:01 Raptors, yea, these guys aren't that difficult to fend off.

12:02 6 minutes on the clock, I've got 700k/900k. That can move a LOT of turrets. Think I'm going to take Lasers and HBCs to Inferno.

12:06 01:45 left, threat counter down to 9, ships streaming into Inferno.

12:08 We have two carriers, 815 Planes and 185 Raptors.

12:13 It's over now, whew. Let's not do that again. Time for the fleet to get back to the whipping boy.
1554 Spire Armor Rotters in 01:27. This one we could do without the fleet I guess.

12:17 Hmm, that was harder than I thought it would be. They took a good chunk out of the fleet.

Okay, we killed one guard post, that did not just take 20 minutes. About time we take Pentavus.

12:26 Pentavus down. Lots of angry mk4s come after me. I kite them with the rebel frigates on Gristleback using the (very conveniently placed) gravity drill, and the fighters retreat to Burnout to deflect deep strike threat.

12:33 5,466 Cloaked incoming. Frigates are still over there kiting.

12:42 Only SSB were left and it's hard to kite those, so the Frigates pulled back. Now the Fighters are coming in to clear the eye on Pentavus and the Datacenter on Distress. Last ARS found on Ambush.

12:47 The Fighters didn't return, but the DC is down along with some tachy guardians. AIP 145. I have only 10 mk2 scouts left though, and they can't get anywhere.
Killing another batch of threat on Gristleback. This gravity drill really is very convenient. Wave of 3,414 Fighters announced.

12:55 Mining golems appear on Void and Genesis. Constructing a cap of bombers on Genesis to take that one out. Rebel fleet heading out to clear the path to Ambush for a science lab.

12:57 Even the Rebel Fleet can't beat Stealth Battleships, apparently. Commence Rebel Refleet. Proper burial too expensive.

13:04 Checking the Distress ARS...

Munitions Booster // Neinzul Youngling Weasel / Raptor

A good hit at last.

13:05 2,683 cloaked. Looks like Raptors again, no problems with those.

13:06 And a 1,159 ship CPA. WOULD YOU PLEASE STOP ATTACKING ME? I'm trying to make progress over here!

Earthquake and Plateau are at 300 ships each, as usual before a CPA, even though this one was charging up with the 5.059 reinforcement rules for about half the time. Not seeing a huge effect so far.

13:18 I didn't lose a planet in the CPA, that's a first. Even the Gravity Rippers managed to do reasonably well for a change.

13:23 A 4k+ Tiger wave removed the FF stack again, but couldn't destroy the Lightnings under it. The stack only had about 6-7 FFs though, I'm having a hard time stretching the mk1s all over the place.

13:37 Jammer Command station finally placed on Pentavus while the Rebel fleet with Enclave support is fighting on Warpath. Route to Ambush is clear for the Lab.

13:41 And the winner last ARS is...

Youngling Tiger // Zenith Chameleon / Youngling Vulture

Cheap bombers, expensive bombers, and cheap... somethings? Gotta be the cheap bombers. I wanted a Youngling for my Enclaves anyway. Two caps of bombers that I don't have to drag around with me everywhere, perfect.
Oh, and there's 7,731 cloaked ships coming at me. But that's within normal limits.

13:45 Autocannons wrecked most of the lightnings. Damn carriers with their shield bearers... Heading to Ambush for my Tigers. The other reason I need them is I want a quick unit to make on planets under attack. By Stealth Battleships.

13:48 I've got some 4k knowledge lying around. Riot 2's? I think I'm going to need Engi 2's and FF 2's at some point as well. Don't actually really want anything mk4 that badly... Okay, Riots for now. Hopefully that can free up my fleet to do some more offense.

13:52 4k+ Frigates, haven't had those in a while and it was probably for the best, but we'll see.

14:00 +10 AI Progress from Auto Progress. Time to wrap this up... AIP 155.

The Frigates were the worst of the last three waves for sure. Tazers don't work on them, that didn't help. Still held up well enough.

14:03 Popping the CS on Ambush. AIP will be 175.

14:14 Left Ambush to die, don't need it anymore. Fleet on Sinkhole neutering.

14:15 3,250 AI 1... Enemy Ships to Pandemonium? Wtf, I thought we didn't play with schizo waves here? Will look at logs after dealing with it. Also, I'm finally unlocking Engi 2 and FF 2 with the K from Ambush.

14:17 All the ships were Raptors. Weird. They got clever and tried to run immediately, only for the mines on Void to accidentally almost all of them.

14:20 3,277 Enemy Ships (AI 2) Again it's not telling me for some reason. No fair, I'll go look at the logs!
Okay, it's going to be Space Tanks. Why so secretive? ;D

14:23 Tazers and Younglings made this into a cakewalk. I feel safer... for now.


... No Raid Engines? Did I just win a lottery or something? This isn't the real authentic 10/10 experience that I've been promised ;D

14:40 Trying to scout Lance, the last coreworld. Some SSB's popped Pentavus, despite there being like 250 ships. Now I have to run another cloaker with the colony ship through the grav drill and pray they don't get shot. I've figured out why jammers don't drop remains BTW, it's when they try to rebuild it and you don't have 30k energy (which tends to happen since you probably just lost 150k of it).

Alrighty, just some little stuff left, scouting the last planet, exploiting the Archive, the last ARS, maybe throw in a K hack, and those homeworlds... Yeah, that's not a lot. Still, I feel robbed. Why no CREs? ;D

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Re: A Game of Drones (well, not so much) [10/10]
« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2012, 05:31:30 pm »
Looks like you got core CPA and an AI Eye for your two brutal picks instead.

Offline Minotaar

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Re: A Game of Drones (well, not so much) [10/10]
« Reply #7 on: August 15, 2012, 05:46:16 pm »
Looks like you got core CPA and an AI Eye for your two brutal picks instead.

Yeah, but they say that's nothing like the real thing  :) Though is seems that the odds aren't that bad to get a 10/10 with no CRE on both HWs, around 1/5.

Offline keith.lamothe

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Re: A Game of Drones (well, not so much) [10/10]
« Reply #8 on: August 15, 2012, 06:47:10 pm »
I tried mopping them with formation-move Riot Starships, unfortunately
Yea, tanks eat Structural Wheaties for breakfast, I'm not sure if even a FF-maxed RiotIII could do much under that kind of fire.

one fabricator to rule them all - the Blade Spawner V fabricator.
Watch out for the Neinzul Hobbit         <--- (not actually a real bonus ship type that's coming, for copyright reasons if nothing else)

Cause of death: TOO MANY FRIGGIN' MK4 SSB's.
The Sirius Cybernetics Complaints Department is pleased to hear of your recent positive customer experience with their Spire-Stealth-BEEEP product line.  Share and Enjoy!

Keith, looks like deepstrike isn't zombies after all. Thanks for all the MK3's. I won't be abusing this TOO hard, I promise. ;)
Bide your time.

TWO CPA Posts?!
Sounds like a party and everyone's invited!

An Etherjet dragging a dyson gatling just came along, too. Heh.
That etherjet has some serious intestinal fortitude.

Bad news:
A full carrier loaded with Teleport Raiders is flying off into the sunset.

...And then my hopes were destroyed when I realized that it must be from the expansion, since they wouldn't put modules in the base game. Oops. Good thing I saved, I guess.
Sorry about the confusion, the ambiguous "should this show" logic was fixed though :)

13:06 And a 1,159 ship CPA. WOULD YOU PLEASE STOP ATTACKING ME? I'm trying to make progress over here!
What was that?  We couldn't hear you over the massive ship production!

... No Raid Engines? Did I just win a lottery or something? This isn't the real authentic 10/10 experience that I've been promised ;D
The RNG should be ashamed of itself.
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Re: A Game of Drones (well, not so much) [10/10]
« Reply #9 on: August 16, 2012, 08:30:18 am »
I approve of the evolution of 10/10 AARs. It's an excellent read with great humor and loads of schadenfreude.
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Re: A Game of Drones (well, not so much) [10/10]
« Reply #10 on: August 16, 2012, 09:20:29 am »
Inspired by Keith forgetting to put language files in 5.061...
Dedicated to all the fellows in misery...
Behold, the Happy Fun Ball!

This will help keep me sane till I finish this game.
KDR_11k, I will never forget.  ;D

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Re: A Game of Drones (well, not so much) [10/10]
« Reply #11 on: August 16, 2012, 09:53:15 am »
The pink eyes! They're watching!
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Re: A Game of Drones (well, not so much) [10/10]
« Reply #12 on: August 16, 2012, 05:15:58 pm »
...Those are actual real ships?

Avid League player and apparently back from the dead!

If we weren't going for your money, you wouldn't have gotten as much value for it!

Oh, wait... *causation loop detonates*

Offline keith.lamothe

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Re: A Game of Drones (well, not so much) [10/10]
« Reply #13 on: August 16, 2012, 05:43:02 pm »
...Those are actual real ships?

In Minotaar's world where he "fixed" the language files, yes.
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Re: A Game of Drones (well, not so much) [10/10]
« Reply #14 on: August 17, 2012, 02:11:44 pm »
Those are stealth battleships aren't they? :P
Avid League player and apparently back from the dead!

If we weren't going for your money, you wouldn't have gotten as much value for it!

Oh, wait... *causation loop detonates*