9.33 hours in... Ow. Ow ow ow.
Built up the fleet, took the zenith bombard ARS, repaired the cursed golem on that system, rescued the rebels, and build the resistance fleet. Things were going well, even with the 6000 mkIVs I get from time to time.
Then the third exo came.
Another HK mkIV, with two arti golem escorts, and more than ten SC shields.
Advanced Factory: gone.
Fabricators: all gone (bulletproof, decoy, warbird)
Fleet: mostly dead
Golems: average of 4% health each, but all alive.
Home Command: still hanging in there.
Refleeted, but with the CSG-D still alive, and a core raid engine on one of the HWs, I may just surrender this one to the AI. Haven't decided yet, but things are not looking good.
State of Empire: