Arcen Games

General Category => A Valley Without Wind 1 & 2 => Topic started by: timtim on May 22, 2012, 12:47:09 am

Title: Would anyone be interested in a Wiki site edited by us?
Post by: timtim on May 22, 2012, 12:47:09 am
I know there's the Arcen Games wiki pages, with some brief guides on how to play and info on the updates, but it might be nice for a publicly edited site about the game with much more specific, detailed information for people with more specific needs.

I made a rough template we could use, that is publicly available to edit and add pages, but very happy to hear advice on other ways we can do it or how to build on this template.

(I can assign other admins, I think, so let me know)

I thought information on each enemy, enchantment, building type etc etc would be really great to have, including tips on each one. My inspiration was the Minecraft Wiki ( which I could not have lived without when I first played Minecraft two years ago - and I'm in a similar situation with this game, except with no Wiki to go to for the very specific questions I often have. I'll start some of the specific pages myself, and tidy up the homepage once these pages have been added.

This has probably been suggested before, so apologies if I'm treading on old soil.
Title: Re: Would anyone be interested in a Wiki site edited by us?
Post by: Misery on May 22, 2012, 01:16:51 am
Isnt that what the in-game encyclopedia is for though?

I mean, I cant think of any sort of info that ISNT somewhere accessible in the game.  Enemies arent in the encyclopedia, but all you have to do is hover over them with the mouse when paused to see all of their stats. 

Beyond that, the encyclopedia is pretty comprehensive.

The only thing that's sorta missing is some spell descriptions, for spells you cannot actually get yet, but it's usually not that hard to get an idea of what they do, and by continent 3 you'll be able to unlock all of them without too much trouble.

Even stuff like arcane ingredient unlocks are easy to get info on, all you have to do is read their tooltip, from the requirements page for a given spell.
Title: Re: Would anyone be interested in a Wiki site edited by us?
Post by: timtim on May 22, 2012, 01:25:46 am
Well, things like tips and trivia isn't available in the game - or for people that want information on the game without loading the game (I don't really like the in-game one because it isn't searchable).

Plus adding stories behind things in the game would be good too.

Especially for the enemies and also the region types and what enemies we can expect to see in them.

As said, not sure if needed - I've just felt personally like I needed an encyclopaedia at times, and the in-game one didn't always help for everything.
Title: Re: Would anyone be interested in a Wiki site edited by us?
Post by: Nethellus on May 22, 2012, 01:37:59 am
The in game encyclopedia is lacking. Just of the top of my head, here are some things it does not tell you:

How the enchant system really works and where the cap is.
The cost of crafting spells above or below the next tier.
Where to rescue NPCs, what time period belongs to which region type.
The range of stats available to each character.
And so on.
Title: Re: Would anyone be interested in a Wiki site edited by us?
Post by: timtim on May 22, 2012, 02:10:48 am
So is the answer to improve the in-game one, or to develop a publicly-editable wiki online?

Complete agree though, there are key aspects I'm still baffled and I'm 20 hours in.
Title: Re: Would anyone be interested in a Wiki site edited by us?
Post by: BenMiff on May 22, 2012, 03:16:54 am
As to there being an in-game encyclopedia, it would be nice for there to be access to the information without needing to start up the game.

I'd suggest adding a strategy category as well as raw information, since there should be some way to differentiate between actual fact and subjective advice / opinion.

I'd also suggest including a page on Map Editing, along with advice on what you should and shouldn't do (doors shouldn't be able to spawn in area of less than 5 tiles height, all sky / water / wall (even if it's blocked to bosses) needs to be surrounded by floor and / or rubble, boss rooms shuld have some cover, etc.) along with advice on what sort of room goes into each room category.
Title: Re: Would anyone be interested in a Wiki site edited by us?
Post by: hatless on May 22, 2012, 03:33:15 am
A wiki is a good thing, but I'd suggest restarting at another host other than Wikia.

For one, Wikia layout is this Geocities-esque mass of ads and popups and more ads.

For another, Wikia has some seriously sleazy attitudes towards its users (described here ( by another guy who went through it, because I can't be bothered retyping it all.)

There are plenty of other sites that provide free wiki hosting without the sleaze; ( has treated me fine, but you can find a dozen others by googling if you'd prefer.
Title: Re: Would anyone be interested in a Wiki site edited by us?
Post by: Dizzard on May 22, 2012, 06:11:41 am
I was actually going to suggest the same thing a while ago, I think it's a great idea.

I'd agree too that while still informative the in-game encyclopedia is a bit lacking and as was said there's no search bar.

Anyway, it wouldn't hurt to have a second resource.
Title: Re: Would anyone be interested in a Wiki site edited by us?
Post by: Misery on May 22, 2012, 06:17:21 am
A wiki is a good thing, but I'd suggest restarting at another host other than Wikia.

For one, Wikia layout is this Geocities-esque mass of ads and popups and more ads.

For another, Wikia has some seriously sleazy attitudes towards its users (described here ( by another guy who went through it, because I can't be bothered retyping it all.)

There are plenty of other sites that provide free wiki hosting without the sleaze; ( has treated me fine, but you can find a dozen others by googling if you'd prefer.   That's some pretty nasty practices they've got going there.

First I've heard of anything like that from them.    How.....interesting.
Title: Re: Would anyone be interested in a Wiki site edited by us?
Post by: timtim on May 22, 2012, 06:39:36 am
That is very dodgy stuff.

I've started a new one at the recommended host, and modified the original post with the address (
Title: Re: Would anyone be interested in a Wiki site edited by us?
Post by: Chex Warrior on May 22, 2012, 07:14:41 am
I think this is a great idea, I need somewhere to redirect my friends questions.
Title: Re: Would anyone be interested in a Wiki site edited by us?
Post by: Toll on May 22, 2012, 09:56:39 am
It'd be a task-and-a-half to keep it updated with all the patches flying out :P
Title: Re: Would anyone be interested in a Wiki site edited by us?
Post by: tigersfan on May 22, 2012, 12:43:33 pm
There's not really a need IMO to have a wiki on another site. If you guys want to improve our wiki, just send me a PM, and I will give you access and you can work on ours. :)