The way the scaling ends up working, you're as much of a granite cannon as you'll ever be at level 1. But if you don't grab spell tier 2 as soon as it's an option you're missing out on half your potential damage, so you can fall behind very quickly. But your stat increase from level 41-45 is the exact same as from 1-5, so high level play tends to be very static. If you skip spell tiers 10-12, you're still doing 75% as much damage as you could be. Fighting mobs 5 levels above you at level 1 is suicide, at level 50 it's not a big deal (stat wise, the fact you can't outrun anything 5 levels higher is a different matter).
Same thing with potions. A tier 2 potion is twice as effective as a tier 1 potion, but a tier 11 potion is only 10% more effective than a tier 10 potion.
The potions are actually why low level characters are so durable. Tier 1 potions are a full heal at the starting gate. By level 50 you can't get full heals on the surface, even if you're hunting at your level +10. (Hypothetically, you could go 5 levels deep into an underground cavern to access gems 3 tiers above your character. But you'd probably just level up on your way down.)