Author Topic: AVWW Launch Day 1B Press  (Read 1117 times)

Offline cupogoodness

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AVWW Launch Day 1B Press
« on: April 25, 2012, 05:46:25 am »
Originally posted:

We're finally in the homestretch of the 48-hour launch day for A Valley Without Wind. The game is now out on Steam and IndieCity, and we have a slew of new coverage landing since our last update.

Dan Crabtree gives the game a 'Try It' rating in his review 'A Valley Without Wind remembers a new past' on ars technica.

Tom Chick has started an ongoing diary/review of the game over on Quarter to Three (that we're already enthralled with!).

David Sanchez talked with Chris on various aspects of the game and its design on GameZone.

And fellow indie developer Cliff Harris (Gratuitous Tank Battles) let us cross-post our 'AVWW: What The Heck Is It?" article on his devblog. Thanks Cliff!

Launch News Coverage From Sites We Love/Are Falling In Love With -- A Valley Without Wind Launched

VG247 -- A Valley Without Wind out now, demo also available

Strategy Informer -- A Valley Without Wind hits digital distribution

Blue's News -- A Valley Without Wind and Demo Released

IndieGameMag -- Ally Valley: ‘A valley Without Wind’ Now Available

Gamershell -- A Valley Without Wind Released and Launch Trailer/Demo

DSOGaming -- A Valley Without Wind Released; 2D indie sidescroller with procedurally-generated levels

BuySomeIndieGames -- A Valley Without Wind (Arcen Games)

GameZone -- Indie game A Valley Without Wind out now on Steam

CPU Gamer -- A Valley Without Wind Launched on Steam

GGMania -- A Valley Without Wind Released

Inside Mac Games -- A Valley Without Wind Comes To Macgamestore

3DMGame -- A Valley Without Wind Released (Chinese)

Excellent Video Impressions and LP's

RedGamingTech -- A Valley Without Wind First Impressions, Opinions & Review

PTDG -- What's this?! - A Valley Without Wind [PC GAMEPLAY COMMENTARY] 

InfoGames -- A Valley Without Wind Gameplay

PrivatGaming -- A Valley Without Wind Gameplay (PC/HD)

We'll post more as it crops up!