Author Topic: Valley 2 Official 1.001-1002 "Mouse Aiming For Those Who Stood And Fought" Relea  (Read 25610 times)

Offline x4000

  • Chris McElligott Park, Arcen Founder and Lead Dev
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This one addresses a few minor issues, as well as properly filling out the beta player contributors credits list.

More newsworthy, undoubtedly, is the addition of a new option in the settings menu that enables mouse-aiming.  This is something I said I'd never do for this game, but apparently never say never.

I maintain my stance that mouse aiming makes for a watered-down experience, and that the better gameplay model is with a gamepad or the keyboard.  However, there is a sizable contingent of players who disagree with me.

Let me back up for a minute:  I felt like I was rather bullied into adding mouse controls to the first game, and that was to the detriment of that game.  The gamepad controls and keyboard-only controls were really gimped by the presence of those mouse controls, but the mouse controls were what most people (including myself) used.

With the sequel I wanted to have a tighter experience that did away with the mouse controls and was a more traditional platformer in how it controlled.  In that, I succeeded.  The gamepad and keyboard controls rock in Valley 2.

However, there are some people who simply can't play the game without mouse controls, apparently.  I say that with only mild bitterness, heh.  In all seriousness, there are people who simply have not learned that method of controlling games.  It's the longer-standing method of controlling games, but that's really irrelevant.

I remember how I felt when I was first exposed to dual-stick FPS controls on consoles -- I thought it was the most terrible thing ever.  Now I think it's fine, but again that's beside the point.  I also remember how hard I found the transition from being a keyboard-only FPS player to a mouse+keyboard FPS player (yes, I'm old), but once I did make that transition I never looked back -- WASD plus mouse is incredibly superior for FPS games.

The point is, there are apparently a sizeable group of people who feel the same way when it comes to sidescrollers.  I still disagree, and I encourage those people at least to give the gamepad or keyboard controls a shot.  However, I remember how I basically found dual-stick shooters unplayable at first, and if that's how the keyboard/gamepad controls made you feel about Valley 2, then there's now a salve, at least.

Anyhow, long story short, not for the first time I'm forced to eat my words.  Never say never and all that.  I'm sure it won't be the last time either.  For those people who were put off by the lack of mouse controls, hopefully now you'll find the game to be actually something you can play.

UPDATE: 1.002 is now out to fix an issue where the mouse aiming was accidentally on by default, and improve documentation in the game associated with mouse aiming.


This is a standard update that you can download through the  in-game updater itself, if you already have any version of the game.  If you have the beta on Steam, it will automatically update for you.  When you  launch the game, you'll see the notice of the update having been found  if you're connected to the Internet at the time.  If you don't have the standalone game, you can download that hereIf you already own the first game, just use your existing license key to unlock the sequel for free!
« Last Edit: February 19, 2013, 09:36:33 pm by x4000 »
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Offline Varone

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I would suggest that this option be off by default when a new player starts the game for the first time ( Or updates to this patch ). Took me a while to figure out why my shots weren't aiming where they should go ;)

Offline x4000

  • Chris McElligott Park, Arcen Founder and Lead Dev
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Yikes, thanks!  1.002 is now out to fix that. :)
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Offline madcow

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Might want to even add a note in the settings that says the game was designed and balanced around that being off. So they know how it's meant to be played.  And that it won't change the 8-way aiming scheme of the game.

Offline x4000

  • Chris McElligott Park, Arcen Founder and Lead Dev
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Already done!  The setting has a tooltip that explains all that.  Though I'm not sure what you mean by the 8-way aiming scheme -- when this is on, it overrides the ability to aim at anything but the mouse.
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Offline madcow

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I mean (was assuming at least) that the mouse doesn't give 360 degrees of aiming, maybe it does though? I haven't played with it.

Edit: If it is 360 degrees never mind the 8 way aiming bit!
« Last Edit: February 19, 2013, 09:51:03 pm by madcow »

Offline Penumbra

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Wow, I figured if you ever added in mouse-aiming, it would just lock the angle to the closest 45° available. Kinda like in Binding of Issac. I think that's what Madcow was getting at.

Edit: Chris, don't think I'm complaining! You converted me fully to the gamepad already ;)

Offline madcow

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Right what Penumbra said. I just sort of assumed that was the case. Heh.

Offline x4000

  • Chris McElligott Park, Arcen Founder and Lead Dev
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Oh, I gotcha.  Well, yeah, that's one thing I had considered, but I figured that would not really appease people.  Since I already didn't agree with the change, I figured it's best to go whole-hog with what they want. ;)
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Offline Panopticon

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I'm shocked! :P 

I guess I shouldn't be surprised. As long as it doesn't mess with the integrity of the original control style I don't care one way or the other. And providing expanded accessibility to Valley 2 is probably a smart move.

Maybe you could add an achievement for people who beat the game without turning on the mouse controls. :D

Offline Aklyon

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You know, this release is a strange thing to me. It seems like something I'd really like. It was fun in AVWW1.
But then I look at my controls menu and how I already have had everything (well, more or less) setup and generally working on my controller already, and I don't really want to turn it on.

I dunno.
But it sounds good, and if anything, the number of times you guys have redone entire bits of game somewhere in the depths of older AI War patch notes certainly shows that you aren't afraid to change things.
(That achievement is totally a good idea, btw. :) )

Offline Ashnal

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I guess if it lets more people experience the game it will be alright. It does seem kinda like you broke your own promise though. Especially when mouse aiming was one of the things that I thought made platforming in Valley 1 kinda dull. I know I probably won't use it myself.

Ah well, if it ensures more sales then it will ensure that you guys can continue making more games, which is alright with me.

Offline goodgimp

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Oh, I gotcha.  Well, yeah, that's one thing I had considered, but I figured that would not really appease people.  Since I already didn't agree with the change, I figured it's best to go whole-hog with what they want. ;)

If it's not a lot of work and if you ever get around to it, that'd be my preferred method to play, honestly (I had I read via a second-hand post that this was not technically possible back in the beta!). I like the restrictions regarding the angles shots can be fired but being able to set those angles via mouse would be nice. Not necessary, I adapted to using keyboard or gamepad, but +1 vote for wanting a scheme like that.

Offline BobTheJanitor

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With so many variable difficulties, I think this is fine. It lets those who prefer mouse play that way, and crank up the difficulty if they feel that it's removed too much of the challenge. I, for one, turned it on immediately. I've never been a fan of difficulty-through-inconvenience, which is the feel I got with the pure keyboard control scheme. I can aim in all the appropriate directions with pure keyboard controls, but it's just too fiddly for my liking. But for those that love it, go for it; now we have all the options.

Offline MouldyK

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Next we need Chris to make the game a true Twin-Stick shooter so more people can be happy! The fact that it has more difficulties than most games have means that with more control modes, there is always a difficulty that will challenge them in my view. :P