I found the default controls after this update to be more or less unplayable. My character constantly stops because I have the thumbstick pressed at some miniscule deviation from the horizontal. Changing the Vertical axis (but not the Horizontal) to 0.75 made it playable, but it is still quite awkward and the character does still occasionally stop because of the deviation (especially when I'm on a slope and want to move while firing at an angle).
The axis settings are also pretty well hidden. I had trouble finding them even with this thread as a reference, and would not have known they were there if it hadn't been explicitly stated. Maybe they should be somewhere easier to find? In that huge blank space on the control settings page, for instance.
I can't help but feel the left thumbstick should be movement and the right thumbstick aiming. Not sure what jump would be (RB jump, LT/RT fire, LB tertiary, X ammo, A activate?). Or maybe right thumbstick could just fire whenever you moved it and the other buttons would just be weapon selects. I guess that's getting pretty AVWW 1, though. Alternatively it'd feel much smoother to me if you just moved while aiming on the ground.