Hello gentlemen. Welcome, please sit, relax, and take it easy while I'm getting prepared.
There, I'm ready. As you may have noticed, a new beta release containing farms is out.
While this idea is interesting on paper (because, for once, I don't have the feeling I'm the only one doing something while the others survivors are like "RUN RUN RUN AROUND LIKE A RECORD BABY").
But in fact, it's not that interesting. You still have to run around, looking for suvivors to sacrifice.
And the most annoying feature are precisely those farms.
Hey, I don't know for you, but personally, I feel like Seymour each time.
FEED ME SEYMOUR!! So anyway, I started my game, I beta patched it, and I started having "not enough food" messages.
I quickly thought "Oh, nothing drastic. I just have to collect a few souls and that's it".
I was wrong.
Really wrong.
A simple farm costs 15,000 $ ($ouls).
While I enjoy killing monsters, I don't enjoy farming.
And even with that damn farm built, those guys are still crying:
We lost [USELESS GUY], our lives are worthless! To die or not to die? That is the question!"
While I'm like "Hey dudes, many of my adventurers died in many horrible ways, torn to pieces by traps, cornered and backstabbed by lovecraftian abominations, or dying from being unable to fly."
So yeah, my point is, that the first farm should be free...
... while the next farm is more expensive...
... and finally, someone to explain why my survivors are so depressed all the times.
I mean, COME ON! That dude who died was just a chick!
Do they care about female survivors that much?
And does that mean I can send skeletron and lizards to death without having my survivors to turn emo and listen to shitty musics?