Author Topic: Strategic mode - Potential Changes?  (Read 1144 times)

Offline madcow

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Strategic mode - Potential Changes?
« on: January 03, 2013, 12:10:24 pm »
So a few thoughts that I had regarding the strategic mode and possible changes to it. I'm not completely convinced one way or another on either change, so I thought I would post here and see what yall think before putting anything on Mantis. There's a few different ideas here.

1.  Should tasks beyond clearing wind generators advance strategic turns?  Specifically, I'm thinking of raiding perks from a region, successful hacking of skelebot stations, stealing a mage tier, and leveling up in windmills.  I'm not discussing the possibility of turn loss on death (that's another issue completely in my opinion), but rather -successful- actions. I'm leaning towards these other actions should advance turns, as it provides a balance towards deciding when you should do these special activities that strength you. As it is, you can raid a dozen caves, level up, and hack a research station or two without any turn advancement.

2.  Consistency in cleansing tiles. I don't think there's any question that clearing the strategic map of wind can be a little confusing. The rules regarding caves/windmills aren't exactly intuitive, and it can lead to situations where if there are many caves next to each other, it basically makes a wall that you need to go around. The idea here is, get rid of special rules regarding these regions, and add windmill generators in to them. If there is a worry about abusing mechanics, you could disallow entering the caves/windmills until the generators are destroyed (though I don't think that's probably necessary). If there is an issue with region generation, you could either a) put windmills/cave entrances in the first slice, or b) exclude caves/windmills from the region when there's a generator there, and then once the generator is destroyed recreate a new region with the appropriate building. The basic idea here is to streamline and clarify the rules on what will be cleansed and what won't, which is a little counterintuitive.

Anyways, post your thoughts here. Depending on what folks think I can put it on mantis. And if you have other concerns/suggestions on the strategic side of things and want to post them up - go for it.

Offline zespri

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Re: Strategic mode - Potential Changes?
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2013, 02:38:23 pm »
As it is, you can raid a dozen caves, level up, and hack a research station or two without any turn advancement.
May be I have not played the game enough yet, but it seems to me (also from the feed back posted by others) that you already can get yourself into un-winnable situation long before realizing that it has been the case. The suggestion above can certainly make the game un-winnable sooner, which will only exacerbate the situation. As such I would not suggest /  support it.

Consistency in cleansing tiles. I don't think there's any question that clearing the strategic map of wind can be a little confusing. The rules regarding caves/windmills aren't exactly intuitive, and it can lead to situations where if there are many caves next to each other, it basically makes a wall that you need to go around. The idea here is, get rid of special rules regarding these regions

Hell yes! I asked a similar question and currently there is an entire thread about this particular issue. It seems that caves/windmills not the only things that can create such blocks too as demonstrated on the screenshot in this thread. Something more intuitive (or at least explained in the help section) would be a valuable addition.