There's no zooming, and the game doesn't support that at this time. Adding that support would be a multi-week overhaul, and would really negatively affect performance on the machines that used it, so it's not super likely.
The game technically fits on screens all the way down to 800x600, but I don't think it plays very well there, honestly. On 1024x768 it's quite comfortable, but you don't get such a vista as you do with the larger resolution. What resolution are you running?
EDIT: And, like Naglas said, we have some folks doing just fine on the lower resolutions. Personally I played AI War on 1024x768 for the first year+, and then on 1280x1024 for the next year. And I did the 1280x1024 thing with AVWW, too, until about a month ago -- it was more than comfortable, it was just like any other game. On the 1920x1280 that I play now, I get a wonderful vista which is great, but I only upgraded my monitor so that I could take video in 1080p, honestly. In retrospect I'm glad I did, but I wasn't feeling like anything was lacking before that.