Author Topic: Resources sharing in MP?  (Read 1172 times)

Offline LintMan

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Resources sharing in MP?
« on: April 29, 2012, 11:46:43 am »
How is resource sharing supposed to work in multiplayer?  I was told that spell resources picked up by one player are given to all players, but I cant tell if that's always true.  So I have some questions about how it all works:

I definitely seems that for the building materials (ie: shards), there is a shared common pool for them when gethered or spent.

It also appears that mission reward spell resources are given to everyone completing the mission.  Do players not on the mission still get the reward?  What about offline players at the time the mission was rewarded?  What about a new player that is created in the world after that point?

What about the regularly gathered spell resources - are they supposed to be given to everyone when one person picks them up?  So if one person picks up, say, a coral or sapphire, is everone else supposed to get a coral?  I was told this was the case, but it didn't seem to work that way when I checked for it (though I didn't test it extensively).  If this is how it should work, do offline players still get it?


Offline Penumbra

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Re: Resources sharing in MP?
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2012, 01:56:58 pm »
Any resource used to create something for personal use (i.e. spells) is given to all players on a server on a per continent basis. If you log in to a new server you've never been to before, and go back to a previous continent, you will have all rank 1 spells, but all of the acquired resources.

Building Materials create continent wide effects like structures, missions or Guardian Powers. These have a single stock pile that is shared.

Offline LintMan

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Re: Resources sharing in MP?
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2012, 12:13:23 am »
Thanks, Penumbra!

I discovered the source of my confusion:  It seems that spell resources you pick up from the ground (as opposed to mission given ones) are not immediately also given to other players.  Playing with my son, I collected many dozens of citrine wile exploring some caves, while he deforested a region or two and got hundred of plums and cherries.  Then I checked his supplies, and he did not have any of the citrine I collected, and I didn't have any the cherries and plums he collected. 

He exited out of the game and then I reconnected to check something, and saw that suddenly he had all the eextra citrine he should.  So then I checked my character (which hadn't ewxited the game), and I was still missing the plums and cherries he had collected.  So I exited my character, reconnected and all the extra plums and cherries were now available for me.   

Is this expected/normal behavior, or should I put it in Mantis?

Offline Penumbra

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Re: Resources sharing in MP?
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2012, 12:21:25 am »
That sounds like a Mantis issue to me.

Offline Wanderer

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Re: Resources sharing in MP?
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2012, 02:10:13 am »
I've found, particularly in MP but that's all I usually play, is that when you return to the settlement or go to a Spell Crafting shrine you'll get an update from the server of what's actually in your inventory.

My guess is this is to keep the 'chattiness' down with the server until you get to a place where you actually care about the resources.  It probably should do a roundtrip with the server whenever you open up the supplies window however.
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Offline tigersfan

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Re: Resources sharing in MP?
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2012, 09:12:21 am »
Thanks, Penumbra!

I discovered the source of my confusion:  It seems that spell resources you pick up from the ground (as opposed to mission given ones) are not immediately also given to other players.  Playing with my son, I collected many dozens of citrine wile exploring some caves, while he deforested a region or two and got hundred of plums and cherries.  Then I checked his supplies, and he did not have any of the citrine I collected, and I didn't have any the cherries and plums he collected. 

He exited out of the game and then I reconnected to check something, and saw that suddenly he had all the eextra citrine he should.  So then I checked my character (which hadn't ewxited the game), and I was still missing the plums and cherries he had collected.  So I exited my character, reconnected and all the extra plums and cherries were now available for me.   

Is this expected/normal behavior, or should I put it in Mantis?

This is absolutely a bug. If you haven't yet, please drop this into Mantis. Thanks!