What do you do with the TU's of a town with over 50 NPC's after you've given them all upgraded housing, jobs, built a library, and scouted every tile on the world map? My starting town is nearly to this point as I've only upgraded a couple houses to level 3 but I've done everything else. I could build even more houses there but I only send arctic people and robots there.
I effectively have a pool of 10,800 TU's with nothing to do with them until I hunt out more NPC's. I have alot of housing upgrading to do in my second town of around 46 people but they'll reach this point too. Now my world map is one of the older ones so it won't expand till I hit level 50 or so and I'm only level 29.
Could there be a way to use the TU pool of one town for another? Transferring rescued NPC's would be one way, a suggestion that has already been made, but I was wondering if we could spend some conscious shards to turn NPC's into traveling workers, maybe with a small TU penalty? It would help alot with getting a new settlement started provided you had an established one already.