One of the few problems I have with Avww is that everything is predictable before you enter a zone, if i enter a normal room I will expect that it may have a few bat scrolls or some enchant containers, but normally it is just a pathway to the stash or mission entrance or boss. The introduction of infestations causing traps made the game far more intresting, it suddenly meant that the normal room became a challenge an interest, the fact that the event was random and thus I was unable to prepare seemed to me to add to the fun.
From this I considered perhaps it would be possible to add in events that occur randomly within building or the world, they don't show up in the minimap and occur simply as a factor of chance, they could simply be a hidden stash room half way up a building, or a room filled with traps in an unifested area, or a room full of monster spawners, or a hidden mission entrance spawns. By adding in this hidden rewards you would be able to add an element of tension into exploring, you truly wouldn't know what was in the next room. It would even reward those who unneccesarily explore everything.
I was just wondering people thoughts on this idea. I have been extremely impressed with the current updates and hope this game keep evolving.