I'm going to offer the dissenting opinion here. To me tab-targeting still seems like auto-aim. A pretty 'dumb' auto-aim, but an auto-aim nonetheless. More importantly, though, it obscures the other play options that are IMO better. Tab targeting is the obvious second choice the way things are set up, and as you can see by the sample of people who answered in this thread, many think it's the only way to play without using the mouse. This is unfortunate, because I think if they tried a keyboard-only setup, they'd be satisfied. For a laptop, I think the setup of arrow keys for movement and WASD keys for firing is incredibly easy to handle and gets the job done. For desktop, the reverse is probably easier (WASD for movement, numpad for firing). This is the classic gamepad D-Pad + buttons setting that most 2d scrollers use except with 9+ easy-access buttons.