At the moment, the game basically allows you to travel to any tile (sans ocean, which I'll get to momentarily) as long as its level is less than or equal to your civ level plus 10. Is this, perhaps, too forgiving? From a 'realism' perspective, how can I float magically over these monster infested lands? I know previously the game had windstorms that would automatically drop you into platformer view after you took a certain number of steps, unless you ended on a wind shelter. That was removed, I think rightly so, because it doesn't sound like it adds much to the game. But I think the game is too far in the other direction now, allowing you to go anywhere you want within your level limits.
The only variety (that I know of so far) is the ocean tiles, which will always pull you in as soon as you stand on them. That makes them dangerous, and something to be avoided at all costs currently. I'm thinking there might be something to this danger that could be added to normal travel. One idea would be to use an RPG-esque random encounter system, where you might have a small percentage chance to be dropped into an area when traveling over it, if it is above your level. As the level variations go higher, the chance could increase to the point where you couldn't move forward any further. Before I just toss that up on mantis, I wanted to see if that was even an interesting idea to anyone else, or if people like completely free movement on the world map as it stands right now, or if there were any other ideas to make world map travel more interesting.
Right now the overworld part of the game doesn't have much gameplay, it's just a way of getting from point A to point B. Easy and simple, but without some risk or challenge there's not much room for fun either. The Zelda II overworld, for example, had the random wandering monsters that could appear in your path, and that simple addition made that map more than just an exercise in walking.
There might be more planned for this part of the game and simply not yet implemented, so maybe I'm jumping the gun here by even suggesting changes. If so, oh well, at least it's something to chat about!