Okay, this is something that I originally had not wanted to do with the game, but it's coming to a point where this really probably needs to happen. But before I embark on a large journey, I wanted to run this by the forum and see if this sends anyone running screaming or if there are any objections I might not have anticipated. So, here's the bottom line:
1. Completely and utterly removing upgrade stones. They no longer exist in this model.
2. Making it so that when you die or start a new game, you create a new character from scratch, allocating stat points like a lot of RPGs.
So this rolls together the concepts of the upgrade stones (customization) with the concepts of the base stats, minus any of the randomization. You get what you want, name your character what you want, and choose the portrait you want for your character.
Details? Sure:
1. Each character type (sprite + portrait) has some "base stats" for health, attack, and mana that they get for free. This is already true. When we add a Dexterity stat, that will also be true here.
2. You can choose the exact character type that you want out of any that you have unlocked, simply from a dropdown of their portraits.
3. You then get to name the character, and also this gives you an easy place to change your profile name if you so desire (so you don't have to know cmd:rename if you don't want to).
4. You'll then get X number of upgrade points that you can sink into any of the stats you wish. Little +/- buttons next to each stat let you allocate and deallocate the stat points as you see fit. You can even then switch character types and see how those allocations play out.
5. When you are happy and all your allocation points are spent, you hit a Create Character button and you're now back to the game.
Oh, and some other stuff:
What the heck is dexterity? Well, it will be a point rating valued from 0 to 4.
- In order to use any leg enchants you'll need dexterity 1.
- To use any jump-related leg enchants you'll need dexterity 2.
- Dexterity 3 needed for double-jump enchants.
- Dexterity 4 needed for triple-jump enchants.
Ride the lightning and lightning rocket would be unaffected by dexterity. But the idea is that if you want to be triple-jumping all over the place, then you are giving up some health, mana, or attack power.
Also, it bears noting that at the moment we have two separate stat systems for your character: their base stats and then your upgrade stats from upgrade stones. The upgrade stone style of stats would just go away, and then the base stats would get massively altered. On the one hand they would get really buffed so that you could still get the crazy extra health like you can right now through upgrade stones; but on the other hand they would also come with diminishing returns like the upgrade stones, which right now the base stats don't really have.
Suffice it to say, it's thoroughly putting both concepts in the blender and just having one concept come out on the other side that pulls from both. Seems simpler to me, in the end -- and it lets you get right at what it is you want to do in the first place, which is customize your character. All these requests for "re-rolling" characters become moot if you can just create your character from the start. And some of Tom Chick's comments to me in the Quarter To Three podcast a bit ago were along the lines of character attachment being much improved simply from the ability to name your character; I think that will help, along with the ability to simply make the hero of your choosing in the first place.
Related to the above: what do folks think about then removing the ability to rename characters and NPCs? Basically, no nicknames. An NPC has a name that you can't change, and once your character is "born" they are stuck with whatever you called them until they die. My thought is that if you have more flexibility in the first place, the need for the renaming stuff goes away.
On this new character creation screen, we'll start showing some other stats that right now you can't see on the character select screen. Things like the time period of the character, their base stats, their movement speed and jump speed if it's different from the norm.
Also, I want to start making each time period's characters more unique than just their main-three stats and graphics alone. That's already the case with the draconites and neutral skelebots that they handle differently, but I think that can be carried further. Having one time period of characters always emit light, for instance. Others with various elemental resistances built in. And so on. That sort of thing wouldn't have been the best idea back when you couldn't choose your characters for yourself in such depth (and there was nowhere to show this information on the character select screen), but it seems to be a natural evolution of where we're heading these days.
Any objections? Something I haven't thought of? This seems to wrap together the feedback from a really wide array of people quite nicely, but I don't know.