Author Topic: Our Remaining Goals For 1.0  (Read 14699 times)

Offline freykin

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Re: Our Remaining Goals For 1.0
« Reply #45 on: March 14, 2012, 05:19:29 pm »
I remember the manual for Ultima IV for the NES was over 100 pages long, and included a short tutorial on everything, even how to spot secret doors and passageways.

Yesterday I got a new rpg in the mail, Tales of Graces F. The English portion of the manual, including the bits on how to turn your PS3 on, was 9 pages long.

Granted, it covered everything needed, and the game has a wonderfully detailed built in database, but I do miss the days of reading the manual first, playing second.

Offline BobTheJanitor

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Re: Our Remaining Goals For 1.0
« Reply #46 on: March 14, 2012, 05:30:58 pm »
I'm thinking back to ye olden days when Infocom text adventures would come with their boxes packed with lots of little extra letters or comic books or in-universe catalogs and often some neat little trinkets. Like Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy's original box contained a button that said 'Don't Panic' on it, and some peril-sensitive facehuggers which would turn black in case of danger (they were always black) and also some pocket fluff--it was one of the things that was always in your inventory... you should really just play the game. That sort of thing was awesome. Although losing all my shelf space to boxes, admittedly, was not so great. But browsing through colorful boxes full of neat things would get you into the mood to replay an old game in ways that scrolling down a list of Steam games just can't recapture.

Offline x4000

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Re: Our Remaining Goals For 1.0
« Reply #47 on: March 14, 2012, 06:41:09 pm »
Actually that doesn't work since there are no physical copies. Bummer. As much as I love living in the era of digital distribution, something has been lost from the era of big boxes containing fat manuals and neat trinkets related to the game. But my age is showing, so I'll wander off and drink my Metamucil now. :P

Will there be a boxed version of AVWW like AI War and Tidalis or did the low sales of Tidalis sever your relationship to HeadUp?

It's really too early to say.  We've worked with three publishers, two in Germany and one in Russia.  We made a small amount of money out of the one in Russia (for AI War), but it barely covered the costs of actually doing the work to get it ready.  In Germany, we were owed high four figures from one company that went bankrupt, and so we never saw one cent from all the German retail sales of AI War, nor did we get any money from our advance.  And we spent a few thousand in legal fees negotiating that deal, so it turned out incredibly poorly for us.

With Headup and Tidalis, the sales there are probably something I'm not supposed to talk about.  But while those are good folks, the experience there has not led me to want to do any more physical publishing deals, either.  Most indies I've talked to who are involved at all in physical distribution feel like it's not worth it; it's an incredible amount of hassle and distraction for barely enough money to cover the hassle, and so you do a bunch of work to wind up where you were to begin with (while having neglected actual work on your current/upcoming games at the same time).  Kind of a raw deal.

Now, that may just have more to do with our current titles than anything else.  Tidalis just never has sold well, anywhere, and AI War is incredibly niche and so has thrived on the Internet but probably couldn't exist in any other sustainable form.  Hopefully AVWW will be a different story on all fronts, being a lot less niche and hopefully not falling prey to the problems that Tidalis had, but even if that's true I think that online digital distribution is both easier and where the money is at.  So to do something harder... for less money... still doesn't make me excited to do physical releases.

Sigh.  I wish it weren't so, because nothing would make this more tangible to me than to be able to walk into Walmart or something and see something I made sitting on the shelf there.  That would be the epitome of cool.  And it might happen someday, but so far it's not looking likely without some shifts in the games industry and how things work in general.
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Offline Penumbra

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Re: Our Remaining Goals For 1.0
« Reply #48 on: March 14, 2012, 07:41:46 pm »
I really like DROD, and they do limited edition physical copies of all their games. They are just one off CD Jewel cases with some nice artwork printed on them. A little booklet (probably made at Kinkos) with a bit more art and some text.

They make just one pre-order time period and then print up exactly that many copies. It isn't some big box (which I would have no room for) but it is nice to have something on my shelf.

As with any game nowadays, the code on the disc is always out of date the moment you get it, and I would probably just download the game anyways. Actually, I already have  ;)

So, in closing, I'd never need to use the disc, but I would like to look at it, and certainly wouldn't mind paying for it. 

Offline BobTheJanitor

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Re: Our Remaining Goals For 1.0
« Reply #49 on: March 14, 2012, 07:52:42 pm »

Urgh, every time DROD is mentioned I want to go play it some more, and then I rage because they never got it on Steam, where I could have all of their games in one tidy place and at fire sale prices. As good as those games are, I feel that they are a bit pricey. I mean even King Dugan's Dungeon, a 7 year old remake of a 15 year old game is still sitting at a 20 dollar asking price. If they would got on a proper DD channel and discount their old games to move I bet they could make piles of money.

Offline KDR_11k

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Re: Our Remaining Goals For 1.0
« Reply #50 on: March 15, 2012, 04:44:11 pm »
Sigh.  I wish it weren't so, because nothing would make this more tangible to me than to be able to walk into Walmart or something and see something I made sitting on the shelf there.

Walmart will be difficult since the PC is so weak at retail in the US and Walmart has no presence in Germany (they didn't manage to compete with local chains). So getting your game into Walmart will be tough :P.

Offline x4000

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Re: Our Remaining Goals For 1.0
« Reply #51 on: March 15, 2012, 04:48:54 pm »
You see my dilemma. :)
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Offline Mánagarmr

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Re: Our Remaining Goals For 1.0
« Reply #52 on: March 16, 2012, 07:24:53 am »
I would've been a lot more involved in the AVWW beta if it wasn't for my full time job and studying. The new release of Dwarf Fortress didn't exactly help either, since I'm a hopeless DF-drone.

AVWW is still sitting solidly on my disk, getting played from time to time though. I just sometimes wish I was back in unemployment. I had all the time in the world to play games back then. xD
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