Author Topic: Neutral Skelebots: Nerfs planned?  (Read 1373 times)

Offline KDR_11k

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Neutral Skelebots: Nerfs planned?
« on: November 26, 2011, 05:34:20 am »
Currently neutral skelebots come with complete heat and cold protection and never spawn vengeful shadows while their only downside is being a bit taller. Especially the no-shadows deal is a major thing for me, almost completely removes their death penalty so you can throw them at bosses until you get bored, no need to worry about creating a growing threat of shadows. Plus they're resistant to both being frozen and set on fire which is convenient.

Are there more things planned that will give the skelebots more of a downside?

Offline Dizzard

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Re: Neutral Skelebots: Nerfs planned?
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2011, 09:00:20 am »
Well they are robots.

Throw in a dependency on oiling their joints/maintenance(optimization) of some kind and we're set.

Or you could go down the "need to keep them maintained or they'll go on a killing rampage" route.

Offline Commiesalami

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Re: Neutral Skelebots: Nerfs planned?
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2011, 12:16:46 pm »
You could throw in some sort of "automatic revenge program' that gets spawned when a skelebot dies that acts as a ghost in all respects (Except maybe shooting lasers instead of dropping miasma all over the place)

Offline Orelius

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Re: Neutral Skelebots: Nerfs planned?
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2011, 12:43:05 pm »
Personally, I think skelebots got the short end of the stick.  The extra height makes it so much easier to be hit, and also makes you unable to go through certain narrow corridors in caves that a human could normally go through.  The generally higher health and other stats is a good plus, but I find that the parameters for each character doesn't really make that great of an impact.

Heat and cold protection aren't very important, as a coldsuit is very easily made, and a heatsuit just takes a bit longer, as lava isn't too hard to come by.

While the no-ghosts thing is definitely great, ghosts really aren't too much of a threat, considering how much health they end up having.  Even during a boss battle, you could probably go to a corner and easily snipe off the ghost before returning to the fray.

Offline x4000

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Re: Neutral Skelebots: Nerfs planned?
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2011, 12:04:20 pm »
Well, one thing I'll also say is that skelebots probably won't have a "persona" attached to them, so that's one part of the game they'll be lacking in.  That's not very meaningful yet, but the personas add not only some story elements but also some ways to upgrade your character.  I'm not sure that will apply to skelebots.
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