Author Topic: My First Character Just Died... :(  (Read 1159 times)

Offline Teal_Blue

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My First Character Just Died... :(
« on: November 04, 2011, 03:10:57 am »
Well... after almost 14 levels, i ventured over toward a evil pylon that i saw on the overmap, the level was 12, and i was almost 14, though my first run weapons have been  getting a little thin for the last few levels, and then with the elemental damage coming in, i really wasn't prepared, but that is my fault. I didn't realize what it would take to handle the level.

Also, I was too far into the level, again, my fault...  :(  I thought, well... if i get in over my head, i have lots of health potion, i should be fine. but was attacked by several of the skelebots and their rusty brown robotic friends, and my health just dropped precipitously.  :(

Anyway, I chose a new character, that i had to make a snow suit for, and went back and viewed the headstone of my first character. Since this is the first time, it hit me kind of hard.

I also thought it would be nice to have something like a small epitaph for the character that the player could add. Just something special in remembrance of the character.  If Chris or Keith could add maybe a small 200 character field or something?

Anyway, I am going to have to be more careful, and make sure of my weapons before hand and not get so close to my current level when exploring, if i don't want to lose my characters.  :(

Anyway, thank you for everything and take care,



Offline zebramatt

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Re: My First Character Just Died... :(
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2011, 07:47:38 am »
It's a sad day, sure.

Of course, once you're in triple digits of dead characters, you start to get a little numbed to their deaths...

(And that opens the door to my favourite little serving of sociopathic cheese: "Oh no! A vengeful ghost in a boss room! I know, I'll just send three more characters to their deaths, then murder all their mournful spirits outside where it's safer. Job done!")

Offline x4000

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Re: My First Character Just Died... :(
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2011, 09:01:59 am »
Epitaphs that the player can write are a great idea!  We'd been thinking of doing them in an automated way, but I like the idea of making them player-written even better.  Sorry to hear about your lost character, though!

Can you put that in mantis?  That seems like one worth going in there to do later for sure.
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Offline Teal_Blue

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Re: My First Character Just Died... :(
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2011, 11:31:04 am »
Epitaphs that the player can write are a great idea!  We'd been thinking of doing them in an automated way, but I like the idea of making them player-written even better.  Sorry to hear about your lost character, though!

Can you put that in mantis?  That seems like one worth going in there to do later for sure.

Thank you both for the kind words, and i will go over and put the idea in to mantis as you suggest, i am glad you like the idea. It just popped into my head when i was standing there over the grave.  :( 

But anyway, thank you very much, 

Take care,


p.s.  it is in mantis now.  thank you again.

« Last Edit: November 04, 2011, 11:52:59 am by Teal_Blue »