Author Topic: Moving survivors to a new continent AVWW 1  (Read 14595 times)

Offline Fleet Unity

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Moving survivors to a new continent AVWW 1
« on: July 27, 2014, 05:35:17 pm »
On the wika it says “The NPCs generally stay right where they are when a new continent is discovered. You can move them around if you need to, but they generally won't be happy about it. ”

Just wondering how do you do that I see no option all you can do is use a glyph transplant scroll to move one, then by manually moving them to the new settlement and switching to another survivor is there any other way to move your survivors from settlement to settlement? Or was the option removed.

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Re: Moving survivors to a new continent AVWW 1
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2014, 08:36:57 pm »
It has been a very long time and this went through a lot of iterations, but yes I believe this is the only way to do it.  Anyone without a glyph turns into a monster whenever they are outside a settlement or one of those little pockets of safety, so the options for moving people around are pretty limited without handing over the glyphs.

Generally speaking the idea was always for a new continent to be somewhat of a New Game+ that you could play infinitely forward.  So it's not like you're starting at square one, but you also don't intentionally have every last thing you had built up on the prior continent.
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Offline Fleet Unity

  • Full Member Mark III
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Re: Moving survivors to a new continent AVWW 1
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2014, 11:14:51 pm »
It has been a very long time and this went through a lot of iterations, but yes I believe this is the only way to do it.  Anyone without a glyph turns into a monster whenever they are outside a settlement or one of those little pockets of safety, so the options for moving people around are pretty limited without handing over the glyphs.

Generally speaking the idea was always for a new continent to be somewhat of a New Game+ that you could play infinitely forward.  So it's not like you're starting at square one, but you also don't intentionally have every last thing you had built up on the prior continent.

Ok thanks I only needed to move a few and doing it that way is fine I had this game for awhile, but I just started playing it recently and am really enjoying it! :)