Author Topic: Mouse wheel functionality  (Read 1561 times)

Offline Diji

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Mouse wheel functionality
« on: October 17, 2011, 05:16:31 am »
Hi, just bought this game and enjoying it a lot so far, even though it's a lot to process (especially the map at first).

Anyhows, I was just wondering, maybe it would be a neat function if mouse wheel scrolling could change your primary slot through a bunch of items you slotted there.
You could have 3 different spells and then scroll through them when you wanted to use a specific one. Maybe you could have the mouse wheel scroll the items on your list towards the primary slot. So that scrolling down makes slot 2 become primary/#1 and #1 gets pushed to the end. Not sure how complicated or intuitive that would be. It just struck me as odd that the mouse wheel doesn't do anything by default.

Apologies if it does do something and I've overlooked it, I did look through the controls list though. It's a bit awkward to cast spells aiming with the mouse and using a key to fire (when you have more spells than mouse buttons).

Sorry for the wall of text, and keep up the good work with the game!

Offline snelg

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Re: Mouse wheel functionality
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2011, 07:19:19 am »
Indeed it's a bit awkward, especially since the ones you don't have on the mouse would be 4+ or maybe 6+ (if you have more buttons on the mouse). And those are kind of out of reach. Maybe it would have been better if the mouse buttons weren't the same as 1,2,3 etc. Not like you're using the keys insdead anyway.  :P

Basically, what I'm thinking is that if keyboard keys 1-5 gets separated from mouse buttons 1-5 it would make room for another 3-5 spells (again depending on the number of mouse buttons) that are much easier to actually reach and press when you need to.  :)

Offline Diji

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Re: Mouse wheel functionality
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2011, 08:50:48 am »
I like that idea, so instead of reaching for 5 you just move up to 1 and it's a different key than mouse1?
I have five buttons on my mouse but a lot of people only have 2 mouse buttons, plus the scroll wheel button. Just thinking maybe a way to give those guys more freedom with their spells on the mouse side of things might be useful.
A lot of the time you're trying to dodge and stuff while firing off spells so you don't have the liberty of standing there hitting keys up to 9 like in MMOs. Then again, we have multiple ability bars so maybe I'm over thinking this lol.

Offline zebramatt

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Re: Mouse wheel functionality
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2011, 09:46:16 am »
You can already assign your mouse buttons to other actions than 1, 2 and 3.

You can also already cycle through (a) inventory rows and (b) which spell is in which slot in its row.

-- All that good stuff is in the controls configuration.

That said, I agree that it would be useful to:

1. Be able to set mouse buttons to spells which weren't in your quickbar AT ALL; and
2. Be able to cycle through 'spell sets' without disturbing the rest of your inventory.

I'm thinking, a way to assign spells in the way dungeon crawlers assign weapons and armour, and then button/keyboard bindings for "Primary attack", "Secondary attack", "Tertiary attack", etc. plus "Primary block", etc.

You could then outfit yourself with up to x number of offensive spells and y defensive, then bind them to the mouse to your heart's content - and leave the inventory quickbar for holding on to anything you don't have assigned in that capacity, like light spells, platforms, traps and equipment.