Author Topic: what abilities and keybindings do you use?  (Read 2150 times)

Offline kuliksco

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what abilities and keybindings do you use?
« on: May 08, 2012, 03:20:16 pm »
After breezing through the first 3 continents on Adept I upped the difficulty to Hero and the game has totally changed.

In the past I usually only used a handful of abilities like fire/ball lightning, energy ball (long range for first 3 continents) as well as the light spells like the light globe, and snake.  I started using my shield and teleport a bit more towards the end and stopped making characters which 400+ hp.  Towards the end of the third continent I started to see the value of the shields and teleport and want to try adding lots more spells in to my arsenal.  I tried out most of the other spells but since most usually weren't leveled up I didn't end up using them. 

I can already see I'm going to be avoiding most of the combat on Hero and using other utility spells like douse monster spawn.  I'm thinking about trying something like entropy and maybe focusing on a short ranged spell.  In my experience using miasma whip it's very hard to get that close without taking lots of damage, though.

What are some ability setups you guys use for normal or hero difficulty?

I have a razer naga mouse so i bind my first three abilities to LMB, RMB, MMB, and the rest to keys 1-12 on my naga which has a keypad on the side of the mouse.  It's kind of uncomfortable reaching the higher numbers on the mouse and was wondering how you guys deal with keybindings.  Maybe I should try keyboard mode to use the numpad easier but I think that would cripple me when platforming if it's anything like playing with an xbox 360 controller.

The problem is you can't really take your hand off of WASD if you want to stay mobile so I'm shying away from using # keys on the keyboard.

Offline Penumbra

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Re: what abilities and keybindings do you use?
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2012, 03:33:51 pm »
I use ESDF to move, and bound skills to 5 buttons on my mouse along with WRTGV. Using Shift and Alt, I actually bind 3 different skills to each of those, letting me use 30 skills easily without moving my hand very far at all.

To find the details of how to modify the keybindings, check out the thread here.

Offline Quaix

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Re: what abilities and keybindings do you use?
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2012, 03:45:38 pm »
If you use Ctrl and Shift modifiers with mouse buttons you can increase the number of spells you can access from the mouse by a factor of three without affecting your movement keys. I don't use the number keys at all, and instead I use the ones around my movement keys. Most of my spells are on my mouse: I got 7 buttons + a tilt wheel, so 12 actions total.
For example, I have Ctrl+Thumb1 bound to scroll of elusion as my "panic button" and Ctrl + Thumb3 as the pause key.

LMB - Energy Orb
RMB - Lightning Ball
Thumb1 - Miasma Whip/Leafy Whip (mostly for harvesting)
Thumb2 - Situational
Thumb3 - Summon spell
Scroll Down - Platform
Ctrl + LMB - Fire/Death/Cold touch
A - light spell

I find that I don't use that many abilities. On continents 2+ some spells are too much trouble to get or take too much effort to level up, so I just stick to the basic energy orb, ball lightning, and miasma whip (mostly for harvesting).
« Last Edit: May 08, 2012, 03:47:29 pm by Quaix »

Offline Chex Warrior

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Re: what abilities and keybindings do you use?
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2012, 03:54:28 pm »
If you use Ctrl and Shift modifiers with mouse buttons....

Wow! Thanks for that tip, never even thought of that.

Offline kuliksco

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Re: what abilities and keybindings do you use?
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2012, 06:32:06 pm »
If you use Ctrl and Shift modifiers with mouse buttons you can increase the number of spells you can access from the mouse by a factor of three without affecting your movement keys. I don't use the number keys at all, and instead I use the ones around my movement keys. Most of my spells are on my mouse: I got 7 buttons + a tilt wheel, so 12 actions total.
For example, I have Ctrl+Thumb1 bound to scroll of elusion as my "panic button" and Ctrl + Thumb3 as the pause key.

LMB - Energy Orb
RMB - Lightning Ball
Thumb1 - Miasma Whip/Leafy Whip (mostly for harvesting)
Thumb2 - Situational
Thumb3 - Summon spell
Scroll Down - Platform
Ctrl + LMB - Fire/Death/Cold touch
A - light spell

I find that I don't use that many abilities. On continents 2+ some spells are too much trouble to get or take too much effort to level up, so I just stick to the basic energy orb, ball lightning, and miasma whip (mostly for harvesting).

that is a great idea!  i forgot about using the mousewheel and modifiers for the mouse.  Are you using the autohotkey script above to make it work like that?  I don't think you can assign scroll wheel or modifiers in the game.

Offline omegajasam

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Re: what abilities and keybindings do you use?
« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2012, 07:03:42 pm »
A couple of ranged spells, leafy whip, and easy access to light, sheilds e.t.c.

have platforms on middle mouse, but i've not sued them in a while so considering changing that.

Offline Quaix

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Re: what abilities and keybindings do you use?
« Reply #6 on: May 08, 2012, 07:24:25 pm »
Are you using the autohotkey script above to make it work like that?  I don't think you can assign scroll wheel or modifiers in the game.

I have an AutoHotkey profile for every game I play and every program I use. The script autostarts with windows and idles in the background.

You can assign modifiers to some mouse buttons by editing the keybinds file. Check out Penumbra's thread. I think it works for only the first five mouse buttons. For the rest you have to use Autohotkey.

Offline Misery

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Re: what abilities and keybindings do you use?
« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2012, 07:37:25 pm »
I tend to use a buncha different spells myself.

I use a controller for this game though.

Let's see.... my main spells are:

Energy Orb: my main attack spell
Energy Slice: absolutely amazing against things like dragons, fairies, and those giant green amoebas
Miasma Whip: great against robots, things like bats, and it's also used to break background objects
Fire Shield: helps quite alot in certain situations.  Good against those summoned fireballs, among other things.
Flash of Light: obvious use.
Light Snake: obvious.
Summon Rhino: great summon spell, very very useful against ground foes, particularly while I'm already dealing with air attackers.
Creeping Death: used correctly this is very powerful.  The slowness of the projectile is useful as well.
Tidal Pulse:  Well I WOULD use this one alot if it wasnt nigh-impossible to upgrade without swamps available.
Splashback:  Obvious use.

That's pretty much my current setup;  on continent 2 in my game, playing on Hero.

Offline nanostrike

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Re: what abilities and keybindings do you use?
« Reply #8 on: May 08, 2012, 08:08:24 pm »
I switched to my MMORPG control scheme, oddly enough.

Q = Spell Slot 0.  Usually has a Light or Utility spell in it.
WASD = Controls
E = Use
R = Place Platform
F = Spell Slot 5 (Usually a "Melee" spell like Miasma Whip)
G = Spell Slot 6 (An AoE spell)
Z = Spell Slot 9 (A shield spell)
X = Spell Slot
C = Place Crate.  If I hit it and Jump at the same time, I can "Crate Jump" for potentially infinite jumps.
V = Spell Slot 7 (A "Heavy" spell like Death Touch)
T = Spell Slot 8 (A Usually another utility spell).

Offline khadgar

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Re: what abilities and keybindings do you use?
« Reply #9 on: May 08, 2012, 08:16:49 pm »
LMB - Long range attack 1
RMB - Long range attack 2
MMB - Teleport
Slot 1 - Harvesting ability
Shift - Shield
Ctrl - Platform
Alt - Crate
Home/End - Move Right/Left, Walk Modifier, Place platform (To auto build bridges like in the "lemmings" games)

Everything else is default.