On another note.... the lighting and darkness. IS there a non-irritating way to light up dark areas? The first game had this issue too.... I absolutely HAAAAATED the lighting mechanics for the most part. The thing that let me keep going with that game was that Flash of Light allowed me to just ignore the whole thing. This one though..... quickly getting on my nerves, particularly since 95% of the game seems to be dark areas. There's ONE light spell I'm aware of, in the.... er.... set that also has the exploding light ball, but that lighting spell is mostly worthless, since it's AoE is so very small. Doesnt help whatsoever. AND they blink out after 10 seconds. Dark areas seem to mostly consist of a very simple pattern: Take a few steps, spam anti-bat spell in random directions. Take a few more steps, spam more anti-bat spell. Repeat.... and repeat..... and repeat..... a bit too tedious for my limited patience. If caverns werent so absurdly long, it wouldnt be AS bad, but..... the extreme abundance of bats and darkness would kinda ruin it regardless.
And then I tried one of those skelebot facilities, and...... argh. ANOTHER rather dark area full of more bats, and that "get out quick!" bit sorta went over the line. As best I can tell, it not only respawns all of the enemies, but then just KEEPS spawning more and more (almost all bats). Considering the very careful nature of the combat in this game, I dunno, this bit just doesnt seem to work out very well. The first game woulda made sense for it, but.... not this one.
At the very least, the bat spawning in all areas needs to be really dramatically dialed down.... I think they've actually become even more annoying than eagles at this point. For the time being, I'm probably just going to take a break from it and wait for the next patch before continuing.