I didn't take it in the spirit of him criticizing the critics, honestly -- it's more a matter of, critics or no, even amongst fans or critics or both there is no clear consensus on much of anything. This isn't anything new at Arcen, or to these forums, or even to this game. That's just the nature of a lot of people, all of whom are making various valid points and have their own tastes and interests. Our job is always to try to see through to what will satisfy the largest possible group, or figure out ways that everybody can just do things the way they individually prefer (such as with controls) regardless of what anyone else thinks.
I don't know about the spirit the image was made in, but I've never seen khadgar to be in the slightest bit antagonistic to anyone, and I took it as just kind of a lighthearted humorous comic that we can all enjoy regardless of where you fall on the critic or "fanboy" (for lack of a better word at the moment) spectrum.
Hopefully it doesn't offend anyone, at any rate. We could all use a little levity as we collectively put our heads together to make improvements and additions where need be.