Also, glad to hear this about the tutorial I just remember lots of poeple leaving games behind because they were too complicated ... Well, the best example I think is X3 ... Blah to that game ! Can't figure out anything except basic fighting.
Well, I'm doing a lot of work with the tutorial and the new player experience, I'm pretty sure I can do a better job than X3.
Well, personally I think you already did better than x3 as it is right now
In x they don't tell you anything at all ... You are in space... You're in a ship... There are stuff around you ! Good luck player ! Oh and if you look, there's a totally labyrinthic menu where you won't understand anything because it's way complicated and don't count on us to take time to explain even 1/10 of it ! Good luck !
Never played evochron, hesitated though but the graphism are stopping me !
I'm still a big free lancer fan though ! Which is by far, the best space sim I ever played to !
Sad they never expanded it with more stuff like building a station and so on like in x3 but with the simplicity of freelancer !