I was wondering if anybody could help me and give me some tips about playing the game ?
We're working on that in the game itself at the moment (and an updated getting started guide, actually), but we need some more time. All the features should be in this week, and then should be a lot more clear during next week. If there are things in particular that you're finding unclear, we definitely want to know about those!
I don't understand how to reach the settlement building screen anymore or actually anything at all
The settlement building screen and the strategic view are both gone, so that would explain your not being able to find them.
Using guardian powers in the latest version, you can build some buildings directly in the background of the settlement chunks.
Those blue "potions" that gives points towards "new enchantments" intrigues me a lot too !? I keep getting them and I don't feel like its doing anything ?
It's storing up enchant points for you, but enchants won't be in place until later today. So, yes, it was doing nothing direct in your version, BUT you'll get a bunch of enchantments out of it as soon as you upgrade to the new version when that's out, so it's good to have been collecting them.
I love the changes but I'm totally lost ! I feel like I don't know how to play the game anymore I was waiting for an update of the starting guide but since the game constantly change, It would be the hell of a job to change it for each important updates.
We're working on updates for the in-game stuff and the getting started guide, and we definitely appreciate feedback on where things get confusing. But -- and I mean this without irony or anything implied by it -- the important thing to realize is that you
don't know how to play the game anymore. If you played a month ago, or two months ago, or even worse three months ago, this is a completely different game now at the macrogame level. You can still get around and cast spells like before, I'm sure, but pretty much everything else of meaning has changed: crafting is different, civ levels are replaced by tiers, strategic view is replaced by missions, settlement management view is replaced by guardian powers, etc.
The reason I mention this is if you're trying to figure out "where we moved stuff," you're going to continue to be lost -- we moved almost nothing. Most things that are different are actually different, not just moved around. The documentation is lagging behind, but will catch up in the next week or two!
Anyway, I'm really happy to see how the game is coming, the devs are awesome with all their ideas and the speed at which they release them
Thanks for your patience and support, hopefully you'll be feeling back on top of things shortly. It's actually harder for players who played older versions of the game to get into now, because they have all of this invalid knowledge stored up about how the game used to work but no longer does. For a new player coming in blind we still have some documentation work to do there as well, but at least they aren't coming in and looking for things that don't exist!
just wished the dungeon map was easier to use / read because I still feel lost with it, I just don't have any idea for a better dungeon map yet :/ but if I do, I'll post it for sure
If you study it for a minute, it should be pretty clear -- I'm pretty positive there's no clearer way to represent it, based on discussions with others. Note that it's not a map, first of all -- map is a misnomer. It's actually technically a "graph." It's showing the relationships between all the parts of the building -- how to get from here to there -- but not showing the size of the parts of the building, or even their spatial relationships to one another. It's kind of the difference between a map and directions, actually.
Hope that helps!