Author Topic: First impressions  (Read 1143 times)

Offline Vampyre

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First impressions
« on: September 28, 2011, 02:27:46 am »
Hello there !

I found many topics just like mine, but the reason why to create a new one is not to go over questions users have asked in their own thread...

So, after weeks of teasing, I come to the website and notice the beta is out... Cool stuff... As usual, the Mac support is there, and I'm very grateful for that...  I download the mac version, and run it... First game, first mistakes, I don't find the key to talk with the stones... And when I do, I've skipped 15 pages... Ok, don't worry, I start a new one. This time I can properly select the character, and read those lines...

Then I start to play, but as I'm not sure of where to go and what to do, I come on the forum and read the newbie guide... Once read, I restart again, and now is the good one. I understand way easier what to do... After having played like 2 hours, I say myself that this game, is HUGE... I'm not out yet of my first land visited... And this is just the first square lol...

I also tried to classify the gameplay, but... it's quite off charts for me... It's a mix of a lot of games, but the most interesting point for me is what I call the Diablo Legacy : the search for loot and objects to have better ones.

So, all in all, I liked what I played (I wanted to write this down before restarting the game, so, if I restart it, that is a good game)... It took me some time to get to it (understanding the minimap in the upper left, AND the lower right..) Once those concept are understood, it's becoming very funny...

What I found confusing is when I had my first building visited. 100% visited. I go to the next, and for some reason, I make a mistake and go out again. I go to the next one, and those two were intricates as I had something like 30% visited... So it is still confusing to me to know if the building is small, or if some may be intricates and could be reached from one to another.

To be honest, I've also made my special test : the Daughter Test. "Come here daughter, what do you think ?" while I keep playing.
"Hmmm that's not very nice."
"You play Minecraft, and Minecraft is not very nice too... What else ?"
"It's a weird game lol"...

So, I'm not sure she liked it, it's not her style, but she agrees to the fact that there is something special going on while you play... Good job... On this end, I'm now go and buy the full version (beta off course, but I like the game), and keep on visiting :p

Offline GabrielKronos

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Re: First impressions
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2011, 08:23:27 am »
I've liked this, the Daughter Test. I can also share that most people that saw Minecraft and Terraria had the same first impression, that either games were too stupid, ugly and boring. Of these people (which is mostly classmates and cousins), the second impression was something like "Oh shit, this game is awesome!" or "Yeah, it's not that bad, I may have some fun with it.", which for me is enough....

Can't say the same of AI War, though :(. Sad, because I wanted to find people for a multiplayer.

Offline Vampyre

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Re: First impressions
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2011, 10:07:06 am »
Good to know! We could team up in ai wars! I've no friends playing lol. They don't know anything about how fun a game is... They just call foe moh, bf, or cod to be fun games. But i know i'm a weirdo who look for indie games that are just awesome. So no friends either to play a game lol.

For the daughter test i always do it and it is always very interesting ... She is 17 and i raised a gamer girl hehe. She do not want to play it but she think there are a lot of posqibilities in the game.