Been away a while traveling, but good to see new images (and lots of discussion) in this thread.
To make a brief - if belated - statement of support in light of the Steam sale situation: Arcen's work is far too amazing and you all are just too smart and hard-working for this to be anything more than a minor bump in the road. As a consumer, I feel like I've gotten far more support and responsiveness for AVWW than I ever would have expected (and certainly more than I've experienced with any other game), so if the company needs to focus on other things for a while, do so without any hesitation. My group of friends will probably be happy to see updates slow down, if anything; we all found it difficult to keep with with the rapid changes to the game.
It probably helps that I'm very impatient for an AI War expansion!
As for the art, I hate to say it but I feel like wheels are spinning until we see some characters in motion. I think the stuff we've seen is all high quality work, and give or take an issue here or there with tone or details, any of the studios could do work that would fit AVWW pretty well. In short, they are close enough together that the quality of animation - and how the art looks in motion - seems like it will trump anything we see in these concept pieces. I know that's not a very informative stance to take, but I just don't feel like I can say anything else about these samples other than "well
I like X more than Y and Z, so blah."
I still think H feels like the best fit for AVWW, even though the work from the other studios has more pop and flash. I think H captures the eclectic but naturalistic feeling of the game, whereas the other studios evoke a sort of comic book/cartoon world of 2D archetypes. That said, if I can speak frankly as someone who studied art at university, many of the samples from H do not impress me with their drawing/painting fundamentals. Now let me walk that back and make clear that I'm not saying they're bad artists - they are clearly talented, hard workers; I understand that a lot of game art programs these days focus on other areas, such as 3D work and the tech side of things, leaving people with limited time to practice drawing. But it makes me nervous about the quality of the finished work, and reinforces the feeling that I need to see some finished work in motion to offer a proper opinion.
It's just a really tough call to make. While I prefer H personally, I find myself second guessing that choice and trying to predict what "the market" will like based on some cliches and stereotypes about "the common PC platform gamer". Maybe a punchy, vibrant style like K/G's would sell better, even if it didn't fit the game perfectly? Maybe maybe maybe.
To anyone at Arcen: Are we likely to see any animated samples before a studio is chosen, or is that part of the process going to wait until one style has been settled on?