Firstly, I'm quoting him verbatim. It's up to him to explain his own intent rather than have you white knight for him.
Secondly, I wasn't swearing AT him, I was doing so for emphasis. If you can't handle the word "Bloody", then don't use it. Criticising someone else's choice of words is equally petty and judgmental.
Thirdly, you have a really annoying and aggravating habit of adding your own 2 cents into every single discussion which doesn't concern yourself. Could you please refrain from soliciting your own opinion if it isn't asked for?
I'll do no such thing. I dont expect people to agree with me on everything. But I'll speak out as I see fit; to do otherwise would be to go against my nature.
.....and it seems I was right about what he meant, as he JUST SAID SO. So the anger was over nothing, really..... Maybe he coulda phrased it better, allright? I know *I* phrase things in rather idiotic ways rather often that can give people the wrong impression about what I'm trying to say. Regardless, there's no call to yell at him, or at me, or get angry, or any of that sort of thing.
Beyond that..... I'm not arguing with you. You can do as you please, of course, just as I tend to. But that's it. If you want to respond to me, or to anything here with further anger, swearing, whatever, I'll merely ignore it. The REASON I said what I did is because there's SERIOUSLY no reason to act like that on this forum, and you probably know it. Or at least, I hope you do. I've seen you post here at times, you dont seem like a bad sort.
This community has been pretty darn great so far..... it really has..... and despite my usual (very) short fuse, I utterly refuse to get drawn into an arguement. So, having said this, I'll stop on this subject now.
You understood it the way it was intended to be understood misery. Also we should probably make a seperate thread about this topic since we can probably banter about the old days (I can atleast) for many posts to come rofl
Hah, that's a good point, we're only really adding to the incredible derailment on this topic here. Supposed to be about the game art, not about.... well..... basically everything else..... haha. I apologize to all for adding to that, me and my tendancy to rant and ramble in random directions for no apparant reason.