Hello, I started playing this game at release but didn't really put much effort into it at the time. I came back to check out the changes in 1.2 and was really intrigued by the changes. Specifically, I liked that I didn't feel punished for completing surface missions. Having the continent level go up based on killing the lieutenants makes much more sense to me.
However, while the game appears to provide many options of "things to do", and for a short while it does, I feel that in terms of completing my goals, I'm being railroaded into having to hunt down secret missions.
At the moment I've killed two lieutenants and am level 3. I have a good mix of spells that I like, and I have enchants that all fit my playstyle and needs. The planning tells me that I should be working on killing the other two lieutenants (makes sense) and suggests freeing some NPCs across various ages (the only one I've unlocked so far is Bronze). Because of the shape of my continent, I need to find a few wind shelters in order to reach the area where the other bosses are.
What bothers me is the wealth of things I have available to do that seem to be ... useless.
I like hunting down stashes, and I like the stashes have some more interesting things you can find them them like skill books. However, the stuff I find from stashes seems to very quickly become unnecessary. I don't need platforms or crates, I'm not really interested in a lot of the consumables or boxes, any enchants are very unlikely to be a lot more useful than what I have now. I don't really feel like I gain a whole lot out of giving the books to my NPCs. It also makes me wonder why I should worry much about tracking down other NPCs at all. I haven't been specifically avoiding doing so, but I haven't had many opportunities to get new ones.
It seems like the only thing useful in the stashes are the shards, but unfortunately they will hold about as many as killing 1-3 monsters. Maybe the "free standing" shard piles should be much larger than the ones you get off of killing things?
Really, all I seem to really NEED in my game is wind shelters. I only have two options for these: run around aimlessly poking my head in things and hope I find a secret mission that gives me one. Or, buy them with shards. The fact that the second option even exists is nice, but I feel like I'm really kinda cheating myself by short-cutting it, and I'd rather accomplish my goals through exploration and missions. I feel like I wouldn't mind the exploration as much if I felt the "side stuff" I come across was more rewarding, or if I had more direction in finding what I want.
Perhaps the problem is that everything that is not provided by a secret mission is just far, far too easy to obtain in comparison. Unfortunately, the surface missions also feel unrewarding when you've gotten the spells you want.
I like the concept of the ideas behind a lot of this game (huge procedural generated worlds, lots to explore, spells to craft, stuff to find, things to build, populations to grow), but it all feels like it falls short when I so quickly get into a stuck state where the only thing I care about come from secret missions.