I have always felt the way enchantments work are IMHO more tedious then they are fun...
... My idea was that Enchantment vials are a single pick up that gets you a random enchantment but are more scarce then they are now...
... If the mechanic was change a bit so they are more worthwhile exploring for because they are less numerous then it more rewarding for the player because they have to search for them, instead right now they feel more like a grind to obtain because maze rooms are the go to place, and it feels forced running through them just to obtain the vials. ...
... I think it would just make more sense making them have a more rewarding feeling by making them more about searching for them then grinding a maze room.
I wanted to give a quick opinion in response to what you posted kregoth... for me the beauty of this game is that its about exploration and fighting your way through to collect different items to continue progressing while at the same time
never feeling like you have to grind anything. It has been one of the design goals from the very beginning to cut out the 'grinding feeling' which is so common in video games today. Personally I think this has been superbly balanced throughout the whole game and enchants are no exception....
yeah when you first start out as an 'enchantless' glyph bearer there is a motivation to go seek the vials which (as with everything else your ever going to need) gives you the motivation to go exploring a new type of area - temples and modern ruins in this case due to the high seeding rate of enchant containers. but once you have a few in the bag you start to broaden your search for other items and doing more missions. It's then that, in my opinion you realise that there is no need to grind enchants because the charge containers are sufficiently seeded
everywhere that you dont have to make a specific thing out of searching for them. For me its no different from granite or walnuts. Take journey to perfection missions for example, high seeding rate of enchant containers and different reason to be there - i.e. trying for the perfect run and mission rewards while at the same time harvesting plenty of enchant containers. After the early game i feel no need to grind enchants at all, it dosn't feel tedious because they just accumulate slowly as i quest for other goals.
i dont feel like the way enchants are accumulated needs to be changed (multi-player is a separate issue) because i just dont see it as a grind at all. if they suddenly became a scarce commodity i feel like they
would become something to grind, something else i have to specifically go searching for and i dont think the game needs more of this. I love the way everything you need leads you to a new experience while at the same time there is nothing here that you have to grind for repeatedly throught the game - the way arcen have it balanced and with the unlocks and diversity in regions makes it feel like you are always looking for something fresh, something new - never grinding the same thing as before...
Take upgrade stones for example.... when you start out you go searching for them specifically to boost up your character. You raid some houses specifically looking for stones and boost up your characters health etc. Permadeath, and the potential loss of those upgrades makes you cautious and teaches you to 'respect your health bar', and you wonder if everytime you die you will have to go through that same grind for stones to get a workable character. But as you continue adventuring with that same character and guard against his/her death you pick up stones along the way, without going out specifically for them. Soon your up to ten upgrades on your character and have enough stones in the bank to be confident of not having to grind them when you inevitable death occurs. It's perfect.
maybe the reason you want to grind is because you are searching for specific enchants for your character? For me I am very happy to work with the system and play the 'character build' that my current enchants offer (though from experience the number you collect soon allows for many different types of characters). This is one of valley's strengths in my opinion - the diversity of experiences and play styles available. I like the fact that a truly procedural game such as this requires you adapt to what you find in
your world, as you unfold
your story - and I also appreciate the superb replay value this kind of freeform procedural gaming experience offers.
But maybe one way to reduce the feeling some players have to grind enchants is to change the way enchants are
determined not collected - one of the ideas that came up during the brainstorming thread on this topic might be suitable - that is the idea that when you get 100% charge for an enchant you can pick from 2 or 3 randomly generated enchants instead of just automatically receiving one random enchant?
you think this would help??