Author Topic: Constructive Criticism  (Read 17461 times)

Offline eRe4s3r

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Re: Constructive Criticism
« Reply #45 on: December 06, 2011, 06:07:22 am »
But that just means you haven't read my.. infographic ... what I proposed is not avatar gear at all ;) Its a sort of persistent global craft-able enchantment, one that could by the way, be easily expanded to get rid of the current spell system.

You could make spells run through the focus, pick up the element and modifiers and create spells from that. That way you would be constantly finding new spells that have different effect depending on how you crafted your "equipment" and depending on the spells itself ;)

Bosses would give you access to powerful elements or focus crystals that morph a spell into a more powerful version etc.

If anything, such loot and crafting system would challenge you intellectually more than anything in AVWW right now. Because if properly balanced, you would have to adapt your enchantment to each (larger) challenge. Of course just alone like that it won't be fun, there needs to be spell system and combat that is equally immersing..
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