Kickstarter/PBS drives/etc always seemed a bit odd to me.
"What do I get for my money?"
"The thing you're helping us build."
"Okay, what ELSE do I get for my money?"
"Errr, hold on a second..."
PBS used to allow people to show their support with physical items. T-Shirts, Ballcaps, whatever. "I supported AVWW and all I got was a lousy T-Shirt and Great Art!" Pick your poison.
An in-game mention is cool... but what about a simple silk-screen T-Shirt with the AVWW background/logo on it in a square on the front at $100. A ballcap with something iconic from the rebuild in the logo slot. There's a lot of things you can do with that (with relatively smaller investment to the reward tier) that allows people to get 'something cool' other than their name inscribed in a building everyone ignores.
It's not a solution, just another option.
Edit2: One of the concerns for doing physical items is they usually have to be ordered in 'lots'. If you can't fill the majority of a lot it doesn't make it financially worth it. Put a minimum # of backers at a level to receive a physical item in the text and inform them they'll be 'kicked up a tier for items' if not enough backers at a particular level are received. So a ballcap might upgrade to a T-Shirt ( or vice versa) if you only get 7 people at x tier but 120 at the one above it.
Edit: At the stupid levels, one of the things that impresses many followers of Arcen is the speed of patch deployments and the like. I don't know how y'all feel about daring to let someone into your home from the unwashed masses (since you guys don't work from offices) but one thing that would particularly tempt ME is to be able to ride-along for a day or two and learn your techniques.
However, being a coder I know just how well I personally work with a newbie stuck to my chair hanging over my shoulder, so maybe that's NOT such a great idea.