My first post, so just generally spamming, thank You for a bunch of amazing games, and thanks for dropping AVWW2 on my Christmas tree for free...
Yeah. On the tree. Aiming difficulties. General suggestions for the controls from my humble side:
1. Map the default keys for angled shooting to somewhere else, like putting all movement on the numpad or change the movement keys do WSAD and put the abilities somewhere around "k" - as far as I remember a lot of console-gone-keyboard games did that in my time... the defaults are frightening.
2. Maybe give the game a "lock" function for keys, while You have "up" pressed, the movement keys for right and left could let You shoot at an angle, and same for duck/down, while standing or flying. I'd imagine that to be more intuitive.
3. Mouse control. Who said Mouse means 360° aiming? It's a helpful input tool and it would make gameplay a lot less clonky without destroying the tactical depth of choosing spells that curve or the like. Simply make it lock in one of the eight directions, maybe with an indicator for where You are currently aiming. That way it's mouse comfort, no broken fingers and still not much of an advantage over having to aim by puzzle-style combinations.
Thing is, I really love the world, the sound... the new strategic game seems awesome, but as many others I feel the controls to be horrible and game-breaking even. Made my propositions and would like to... well, strongly suggest to try out the eight-way-mouse idea. It would be sad to see a well designed game drown because the controls had to be balanced for hardcore-oldscool Dhampyre-spacesuitgirl fans. Better even then to give the option to return to the controls of the first part, if no other solution turns up. So what if it is unbalanced? Add mouse control, lock the combat based achievements and call it dumbazz mode. Let me enjoy my game, not fight it.
[edited to clarify. There is ingame- mouse support for some of the menus. Sorry for the bad choice of words.]
Suggestions entered in Mantis.