If this control scheme is a part of an experiment on how to completely wreck sales, then I can already guarantee that the experiment will definitely succeed.
Why on earth is one of the most fundamentally important features in any game being messed with in this manner? If it is for game-play balance and such then you most definitely are doing things wrong.
It was mainly to make the games controls less complex. Previously, they had been too fiddly, and we think this helps with that.
I disagree with your assertion that this was one of the "most fundamentally important" features. Personally, I hardly ever used angled shots. The game is about finding the right position to hit the enemy from. I think this change allows players to focus more on that and less on "am I hitting the right key?"
For better or worst, the phrase "I agree / disagree that X is one of the most fundamentally important features" has categorized AVWW2 discussion pretty well, and for the AVWW saga as a whole. This is of course taken from the AI War player perspective, where any discussion is on nuances for at least 2 years, on not that which is most important.
From my perspective, I have never seen such a bitter discussion of whether less is more as far as controls go. I'm ambivalent
at best that the answer to some awkward controls are to remove them outright, since if I found them awkward I wouldn't have to use them (90% of the time), but if I liked them for niche situations (which i did) I now don't have that option so now have to do an even more awkward dance of trying to hit niche situations where I cannot move freely.
Who am I kidding, this change sucks, bad.
I can't believe an alpha I had such high hopes for is turning so bad. It takes one 2 forward, 3 steps sideways, and 1 step back, and is now supposed to be nearing competition.
I'm not saying the changes aren't justified from a creative standpoint, but this game since alpha has somehow seemed to alienate rather then welcome more players, including me. I mean, you can only shoot down while moving? WHAT? And the second screen of the tutorial needs you to move down. The intro still is doesn't help me that much and I played the first alpha, and that used to be OK because I could just bumble my way forward, but now the game is ratching up the difficulty with lack of controls and death penalties.