Well, lots of comments, so responding to various of them:
- Sorry if you don't like the Skelebot designs, but that's about the last thing on my mind at this stage. They're functional, I like the way they look, and I don't plan on redoing them endlessly. I'll never please everyone.
- Regarding the bats, they're actually super easy to hit because you just hit TAB to target them. I missed a couple of times in the video because I was being inept, and I was also trying to mess with FRAPS at the same time. As c4sc4 mentioned, the mouse is not involved in the gameplay of this game, it's all keyboard or gamepad.
- Regarding the flesh-colored top, it's actually khaki and really doesn't seem that close to her skin tones, which are peach... but goodness, a lot of people seem to have this reaction. I'm planning on trying to have clothes color randomization anyhow, so we'll see how that works, but that would take care of it if so. There are definitely no nudes in this game.
- In terms of spells that alter the world, I doubt we'll get into anything like that pre-1.0; that just seems out of scope. There are combat, healing, and logistical spell categories at the moment, though. There are things you can do like casting a spell to plant a tree, or to move objects around, etc, already in place. That has a very mild combat value, but is more about aesthetic options, really. There will be other things like that, at the very least.
- In terms of the tree shadows, I'd intentionally made those opposing rotations because folks had complained about them when they were the same rotation. I don't think there's a way to make that fully accurate given the faux perspective and the fact that the light source is at an angle to the lower right. But, depending on how you interpret the movement of trees relative to the light, it could be semi-correct either way. For now, I'm choosing the opposing rotation that's currently there because that seems to bug less people... seems to.
- Yeah, I'm aware all the shadows aren't at quite the same angle, as well. That may not actually be possible to do, based on how I'm skewing the image rather than rotating it, and the images are of different sizes, etc. I have something in there that attempts to get them on mostly the same footing, but I haven't put a lot of time into that one yet.