General Category > A Valley Without Wind 1 & 2

AVWW Official 1.500 “Linux Support” Released!



This one brings official linux support to the game for the first time, as well as a 64bit build for OSX. There is also one minor bugfix in there, too.

License Keys No More

Another nice thing about this version is that the license key that was previously required is now optional instead.  If you have the game on Steam, or you get the new tri-OS package from our store, it won't ask you for the CD key at all.  Steam won't even give you a key, and our store gives you a Steam key now.  If you buy it from us or any other source, then you can use that CD key to register your game on Steam.  They can, of course, still be used to unlock the demo versions of the game into the full version, as well.  You just don't HAVE to do that anymore.

Discount Promotion!

As with Shattered Haven, Skyward Collapse, and Tidalis, we're running a 75% off sale on our site in celebration of the linux launch. This will last until the 30th for all of these games!



This is a standard update that you can download through the in-game updater itself, if you already have 0.500 or later. When you launch the game, you'll see the notice of the update having been found if you're connected to the Internet at the time. If you don't have 0.500 or later, you can download that here.


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