So, sorry about posting the previous post in the wrong topic (the one with the graphic) to remind, when "camera follows mouse pointer" the camera follows the mouse pointer even in dialog windows or crafting windows....
More Text about Tutorials/ things / Image follows ;P And yeah, i just had to glow to that, wouldn't make my signature happy otherwise ;p
Well the reason for my "graphic" is that in battlefield the "following health orbs" are a huge exploit, i am literally invincible unless i do something silly. Because these glow things clump together and follow you every time you take damage.
Hence my "proximity animation absorb fade" suggestion.
So i played the latest version entirely until my first battlefield mission was completed and already i noticed something else
Where to get NPC's from? ;p Tutorial should mention that explicitly, as it seems this is the first vital thing to do.. bu to revisit, the tutorial definitely needs to give us something to do besides reaching the village.
Also reaching the village should get us a proper "Well done, you hero!" screen/popup and first reactions of NPC's should probably be a bit more.. uh, extended
What are those essence containers and what does 30% to next enchantment mean, how do i use it if its full? (Tutorial should pop-up on first pick-up)
Intro tutorial mission does not explicitly state to enter the "intro mission building" ;p (nor is there any kind of barrier to make sure players DO enter it)
Health Upgrade stone need specific explanation on pick-up (they should probably not sit around in the tutorial area anyway maybe as reward for reaching the village or defeating the last boss instead?)
When first opening the spell-gem thing its absolutely vital that there is a help box explaining what this window does and what the gem stuff we collect is for in relation to that. Also, i might have mixed it, but where exactly do we craft the platforms? I have run out ;/ And probably missed the mention of that in the tutorial..
When first approaching Guardian power stone... you know the drill. tutorial popup, explaining what it does and how missions and buildings play into this
When first leaving the village, tutorial popup explaining what is a good mission to go for at the beginning
Also tutorial popup when first contact with difficulty shrine, seems to me pretty vital ;p
Feature RequestThe quickbar should display in small format but very very clear text the key / button that the box is assigned to when we mouse over it. (meaning, when we mouse over the bar) For Mouse buttons M1 to M9 (not that i know of a mouse with that many buttons) and keys too ,p
Anyhow, apart from all that wall of text, the game is shaping up nicely and is already great fun, albeit very confusing despite the "help" tab (the problem with that is, we don't know the questions for which we need answers for) ;p If we know what to look in that we already know what we look for....
Anyhow ,)