Author Topic: Annoying Enemies  (Read 4930 times)

Offline Bluddy

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Re: Annoying Enemies
« Reply #15 on: May 12, 2012, 09:29:22 pm »
Landspeeder robots are really annoying because their homing projectiles slaughter me and the robots have a lot of health themselves. In order to do any damage to the main thin you have to ignore all the incoming missiles and take a lot of damage.

Exactly. This enemy just doesn't work IMO. I have to ignore the missiles, stand right next to them and just spam miasma whip until they're gone.

Offline Misery

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Re: Annoying Enemies
« Reply #16 on: May 12, 2012, 11:25:00 pm »
Landspeeder robots are really annoying because their homing projectiles slaughter me and the robots have a lot of health themselves. In order to do any damage to the main thin you have to ignore all the incoming missiles and take a lot of damage.

Exactly. This enemy just doesn't work IMO. I have to ignore the missiles, stand right next to them and just spam miasma whip until they're gone.

Jump over the homing bolts in a sort of circular pattern.... hard to explain, but it's actually pretty easy to do once you get it.   Allows you to COMPLETELY dodge their shots if you do it right..... even when you're right up in front of them.

Offline KDR_11k

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Re: Annoying Enemies
« Reply #17 on: May 13, 2012, 03:32:50 am »
Dodging is feasible but overall the landspeeder feels like a miniboss.

Clockwork probes and their stupid melee attack are really nasty. If you don't know the game you won't even notice that they've got melee and those wavy shots wave too fast to dodge from a distance as well (especially hate the things in battlefields).

Fireballs are easy bat repellents.

Offline Misery

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Re: Annoying Enemies
« Reply #18 on: May 13, 2012, 05:27:37 am »
Ok, as for the Eagles, there's one great way of taking the jerks down:

Bear traps.

Yes, I know, it seems a little stupid to use a bear trap on a BIRD and have it work, but that's what they get for flying THAT CLOSE to the ground.

Get them in a bear trap, and then go to town with one of the whip spells, and pop the bird before it can begin moving again. 

Seriously, REALLY loving these new bear traps.   Very, very useful.

Offline Professor Paul1290

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Re: Annoying Enemies
« Reply #19 on: May 13, 2012, 01:34:34 pm »
I don't find the Landspeeder Robots too difficult to dodge. I find them to be one of the more interesting enemies to fight so I don't agree that they should be weakened.

Although I do have an idea of what I think would make them more interesting that by coincidence could address other people's concerns about them.
I think the projectiles should still seek until they get within a certain range of their target then they would split into two or three projectiles, except the new projectiles that split off don't seek, they fly in random directions. This would make it so that they're not homing for the last of the distance towards the player, but they still need the player to dodge. Also, when you reach the actual Landspeeder Robot itself they won't seek at all since they'll split into dumbfire right away.

« Last Edit: May 13, 2012, 01:36:40 pm by Professor Paul1290 »

Offline darkchair

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Re: Annoying Enemies
« Reply #20 on: May 13, 2012, 01:50:01 pm »
This is based on my experience on Master Hero for so far as Continent 1 CP 3

I completely don't agree with the majority of this thread. (at least based on my difficulty, and what I want [a challenge])

Land Speeders are incredibly enjoyable as they are the first difficult enemy I've faced.
They are very powerful yes, but their shots are feasible to dodge once you get used to them.
When they are compounded with the new gazebos along with urban crawlers things can get pretty insane, but I've always been able to get by (many times just short of death but that's still a victory)

Bats have never really been a problem for me in the slightest. I'm a huge fan of death touch which simply annihilates any bats who want to come after me (among other things).

Eagles never bothered me pre-release, I haven't really seen them since.

Some enemies such as probes and worms do have a ton of health and can be annoying in that sense, but it makes the game more interesting to have high HP tanks to bother you with everything else going on.

Can't comment on a lot of things obviously but I'm working on it.


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Re: Annoying Enemies
« Reply #21 on: May 13, 2012, 11:50:09 pm »
1. I really hate lion statues. Those god-forsaken things knock you back, have a lot of health and generally block your movement for a good 15-30 seconds. Especially infuriating in lava flats (no pun intended) because a t-rex can easily corner you against them, and poof.

2. nightmare octopi

3. Sea worms. Their animation makes absolutely no sense, they're really annoying underwater and generally shrug off everything I throw in their general direction with their big HP.

Offline Misery

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Re: Annoying Enemies
« Reply #22 on: May 13, 2012, 11:56:00 pm »
This is based on my experience on Master Hero for so far as Continent 1 CP 3

I completely don't agree with the majority of this thread. (at least based on my difficulty, and what I want [a challenge])

Land Speeders are incredibly enjoyable as they are the first difficult enemy I've faced.
They are very powerful yes, but their shots are feasible to dodge once you get used to them.
When they are compounded with the new gazebos along with urban crawlers things can get pretty insane, but I've always been able to get by (many times just short of death but that's still a victory)

Bats have never really been a problem for me in the slightest. I'm a huge fan of death touch which simply annihilates any bats who want to come after me (among other things).

Eagles never bothered me pre-release, I haven't really seen them since.

Some enemies such as probes and worms do have a ton of health and can be annoying in that sense, but it makes the game more interesting to have high HP tanks to bother you with everything else going on.

Can't comment on a lot of things obviously but I'm working on it.

Eagles are mainly a problem in the Evergreen Forest type areas, where they are very common.

The normal version of the eagles isnt that bad, since they're mindless.

The "Eagle Diver" though..... that's the nasty one.   Normal eagles never change the height at which they fly, but Divers do, and more specifically they change it to match yours.  When you're trying to deal with other threats, and you've got the bloody eagles repeatedly smacking into you (with little that you can do about it), that's when they get really freaking annoying.

Other than that, I totally agree with everything else you said.   A big challenge is exactly what I'm after as well most of the time, and this game's been pretty good about providing it.

Offline Vinraith

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Re: Annoying Enemies
« Reply #23 on: May 14, 2012, 12:10:51 am »
Dodging is feasible but overall the landspeeder feels like a miniboss.

I couldn't agree more. They're interesting, I wouldn't want them removed from the game, but they should clearly be minibosses. They're considerably more dangerous than most minibosses, as it is, and I've had them pop up in some wildly inappropriate places (the worst thing I've seen thus far in the game was a landspeeder on a nigh-unreachable cliff in the middle of a wind shelter mission in which i was already getting beaten up by the actual bosses).

Offline Bluddy

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Re: Annoying Enemies
« Reply #24 on: May 14, 2012, 12:48:22 am »
IMO the tough enemies aren't rare enough. They easily flood all the areas, making getting through some areas very painful and slow. I really dread unlocking more of them.

And I definitely agree that alien speeders should be minibosses.

There's something that needs to be accounted for here. The difficulty you play with is a factor, but even more so, the input method you use determines which things you consider to be threats. If you play with auto-targeting, you have time to focus on dodging all the homing missiles. This is not so true if you're playing with the mouse -- in this case you have to focus on finding the enemy at the same time as dodging, and dodging homing enemies (like the speeder's attacks) becomes quite challenging. If you're playing with the keyboard or gamepad, the game is even more challenging, since you're never guaranteed a hit against an enemy -- you have to change your position to align your shots, and you cannot fire backwards. While it's easier to fire off a whole bunch of spells (vs someone playing with a 2 button mouse), the rest of the fighting is far more challenging (and I mostly like it that way). The upshot of this is that every input method creates a different game experience. This is why I've long insisted on trying to standardize an input method most people can deal with.

In any case, don't be surprised if someone posts that the enemy you find easy to deal with is annoying to them. Bats, for example, are extremely tough to deal with effectively with the keyboard, since you can't just hit them at whatever angle they happen to be from you. The best way to deal with bats is with something like ice cross, and even that requires some aiming (or at least timing). Even desert burrowers are a challenge with the keyboard, since you can't target the ground easily. This means you want to snipe them while jumping or use spells that fly with an arc like Throw Rock to kill them.

I'd therefore appreciate it if people could state their input method (auto-targetting, mouse, or keyboard/gamepad) as well as which enemies annoy them.